Woodshop Committee Meeting 20181025
10/25/2018 Woodshop Committee Meeting Minutes
- Jeff Courtman was officially named as Vice Chair of the woodshop committee.
- The ban on southern yellow pine was removed from all machines in the woodshop except the jointer and planer, since these are the machines that are affected by tar/sap build up the most, and take the longest to calibrate.
- Maintenance teams for different groups of tools were discussed, and the initial sign up sheet was presented to the committee members. Teams will be posted close to relevant tools to be used as a first point of contact when there is a problem with said tool.
- A new cleaning schedule was created for the current dust collectors. Everyday at 1:00 and 7:00, both AM and PM.
- Felder voltage incompatibility issue was discussed, committee voted unanimously to re-shop the dust collector to see if there were better performing or priced options available.
- Table saw options were discussed to replace the Delta. Sealed, roller type bearings, a proven track record and low blade wobble were the main points the committee was interested in. New and used Items are being researched, but none was voted on.
- Inventory of consumables and surplus tools is needed in the woodshop. Volunteers were solicited, but the consensus was to wait until we are getting ready to move to avoid having to go through everything twice.
- Router cabinet update-The part for the old router cabinet finally arrived and was installed. It works much better than the plywood substitute that we had in place, but still has a lot of room for improvement. The new cabinet build will come with new bits, motor, tabletop and lift. Volunteers were solicited.
- Next maintenance day-Sunday, November 25, 2018 from 10:00AM-6:00PM.
- Next committee meeting-Thursday, November 29, 2018 from 6:00PM-7:00PM