Talk:Regular Member Meeting 20120809

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Official Meeting 20120809 20:11
Roll call, voting members, by Andrew L
Doug Emes, proxy via Christopher Kirby

Andrew L bringing meeting to a start

Objections to prior minutes

Adnrew L motions to approve prior minutes
John F seconds

Vote: 23 Ayes
Nays: 0
Abstaining: 0

Motion passes

President report: none

Financial committee:
 Andrew L/ Robert D reporting
 Last board of directors meeting approved a Procurement Department
  Members are Andrew L  Peter S Paul B John H
  Romeo S, how do large purchases work
  - Update the treasurer, but the payment gets performed by P.D.

PR Committee: Nicole reporting
- Will talk with Nick S. about business cards
- question about passport stamp

Addition to New business
 Mike C proposing that DMS allocate funds for stamp

Security Committee:
- Robert D.
 Internet has been changed as of today.
 Cameras still being configured
 DVR, and the IP cameras still being configured, saved somewhere.
 Robert has been donating funds for the sentry gun

Amateur Radio C
- Mike Eber to repor
- Official call letters KD5MS
- Have a full amateur radio rig in the security (AV) room
- Patt has been working with other groups to get us tower space for the WIFI link to inet.
- Question: Timeline?
- DAREACT, the new building doesn't want anyone on the roof except 9-5 on a weekday; working right now
with figuring out the restrictions.  We will have 2 teams, one on Bryan tower, one on the datacenter
The test will go to DMS-Bryan Tower.  Then DSTAR-to-Bryan Tower will be tested.  After that, mounting of
the equipment will commence.  Loose timeline.
- Also have another General radio class in the works.

AV Committee
- Chris Kirby reporting
- Nothing to report
- Robert Davidson to bring an AV box for the classroom Committee

BIO Committee
- David Rostchek reporting
- Fish in the aquaponics room;
- Mark H. talking about proposal for Pacu tank in Bio Room.
- Question about brewing
  Paul Br: Tonight.. it takes a week in the carboy, and at least 2 more after that.

Classroom Committee:
- John Fields reporting
- Chairs. Next big push is chairs.  Don't pay sales tax, probably $40 each.. Shipping is extra.  On Craigslist, there are recycled chairs. $15/chair, they have
93 of them. $1400 for the group ($20 ea if < 93 purchased.)
- Needs mounting of white boards.  Ed Kim will assist.

(Add to new agenda: Proposal to purchase craigslist chairs)

- Question Mike Eber
 Have restrung the speakers but one was blown. Need an extra pair of speakers for the back channel.

Craft Room Committee
- Nicole L reporting
Nothing to report

Electronics Robotics Committee
- Kent Bowling reporting
- Wanting to clean up the floor, remove the carpetting.  Probably Next weekend needing help with that, Saturday (18th)
- Needing to Cull equipment
- Got new endmills for the PCB mill
- Questions about milling.

Operations and Facilities Committee
- Andrew L reporting
- Cleaning crew, 2 times a month, every other week, early in the day.
- They came out this past Sunday morning.
- Question, shelving in the kitchen
- A: we have ~ $800 in the budget still, for shelving and for kitchen.
- Question, we have a bug problem
- A: need to purchase some basic poison, traps for ants

Warehouse Committee
- Paul W
- Table saw--will be getting a long-term loaner from Greg Needel, will run on the 30 amp circuit. 
- Greg N *may* also be offering a band saw, mini-lathe, dust collection system
- Question is where the previously ear-marked donation money would go.
- There was a matching DMS
- Money allocated for the shear/ we wait or order it
- Wants next Saturday to be a clean and re-org day (Saturday, 18th, late afternoon)

Photography Lab (Darkroom Committee) - Nicole Greeley 
- Have mixed color
- Will be having another meeting, Ed is putting shelves in the darkroom.
- Have some camera holidays coming up in October.
- Have plenty of antique, donated cameras; film in the fridge that is old, but free.

Open Source Ecology Committee - Craig MacPherson
- Nick Sainz reporting
- Craig is really pushing the induction furnace, it is still being worked on.

New business

* Open House date, planning meeting
 tentatively for November 10th, conflicts with DPRG
 Will table for next meeting, also will contact DPRG about the conflict. Will consider a Sunday.
 Will schedule a planning meeting

* Tanner Electronics Event date (Saturday, October 20th)

* Mini Maker Faire in Tyler (October 13th) 

New Business
 Mike Churchill proposes that the Makerspace allocate $60 to PR committee to use for a Makerspace stamp or other PR purposes.
 Christopher Kirby seconds.

 Vote:  22
 Opposed: 0
 Abstained: 2

Motion passes

 John Fields proposes to purchase craigslist chairs.

 Nick Sainz proposes that the makerspace allocate $850 to the Classroom COmmittee for the purchase of (craiglist'ed) stacking chairs.
 David J seconds.

 Vote:  18
 Opposed: 2
 Abstained: 1

Motion passes

Meeting adjourned at 21:20 by Andrew L.