Regular Member Meeting 20160512

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This meeting will be held in MIBS SRC3 format.

Time, location

20:00, Dallas Makerspace

Approval of prior minutes

Prior minutes

Officer/Committee reports

Committee chairs are requested to provide their reports in writing. Reports can be short bullet-points.



Committee Chairs

  • 3d Fabrication Committee
    • HEY! so here is what 3d fab has been up to. since last we met Chairperson Axeonos has been training the trainers, so more trainers willing to get classes going for 3d fab.
    • as always classes are usually every other thursday after open house.
    • gearing up for change to 3d fab. we are soon going to be doing a purge of a lot of things in there.

big changes are a coming.


Note: The normal cut-off time for agenda items is the Sunday prior at 11:59pm.

Old business

New business

Open Records (Allen Wan)

Problem: The increasing tendency to conceal information at the Dallas Makerspace assumes that the people running the show are honest. This will not always be the case. It is important for us to setup a system that can handle the unscrupulous, because one day that person will come along.

Solution: All records of the Dallas Makerspace that the Dallas Makerspace is not under a legal obligation to keep confidential (such as Social Security numbers) and is not related to access control (e.g. passwords) are available for inspection by any member.

Relevance: Having open records helps keep honest people honest. Keeping corruption and fraud at bay furthers our educational purpose as it ensures that the resources of the Dallas Makerspace continue to go towards our exclusive educational purpose.

Open Board Meetings (Allen Wan)

Problem: There has developed a tendency by members of the board to hold a private online chat during the public board meetings. This allows them to give the appearance of having a public meeting while in reality holding their discussions in private.

Solution: Electronic communications among board members who are physically present at the board meeting is banned during public board meetings.

Relevance: Keeping corruption and fraud at bay furthers our educational purpose as it ensures that the resources of the Dallas Makerspace continue to go towards our exclusive educational purpose.



Meeting called to order at 8:02 PM by Alex Rhodes

35 of 47 voting members present: quorum has been met

Prior minutes pass with no objections.

ITEM: “Open Records (Allen Wan)”
 - Alex Rhodes proposed to pass the motion as written ("All records of the Dallas Makerspace that the Dallas Makerspace is not under a legal obligation to keep confidential (such as Social Security numbers) and is not related to access control (e.g. passwords) are available for inspection by any member."), Walter Anderson seconded
 - Yes:  13
 - No:  27
 - Motion fails

ITEM: "Open Board Meetings (Allen Wan)"
 - Nick Sainz moved to pass the motion as written ("Electronic communications among board members who are physically present at the board meeting is banned during public board meetings."), Frank Lima seconded
 - Yes: 17
 - No: 19
 - Abstain: 2
 - Motion fails

Meeting adjourned at 10:22 PM