Printmaking Committee Meeting 20211127
Meeting starts Saturday November 27 at 1:30 pm
Printmaking Chair: Lisa Gabriel
Novembers meeting held virtual and F2F at Dallas Makerspace.
Virtual Attendees: Mike Keller
Physical Attendees: Lisa Gabriel
Astrud Aguirre
Justin Walker
Jason Meador
Michael Robbins
Bri Gearhart
VOTE to keep Lisa Gabriel as Printmaking Chair:
- For: 6
- Against: 0
- Abstain: 0
Vote PASSES, Lisa Gabriel will continue as chair.
Discussion about the chair duties. Lisa mentioned she is very busy this year and may not be able to fully engage as chair. The committee mentioned the possibility of finding a Co-chair to help.
Astrud is holding "Teach the Teacher" classes to get more people trained to hopefully transition them to teaching screen printing at the makerspace.
Printmaking will be holding Open Print Days where people can sign up to work in the print lab while a teacher is there.
Printmaking is trying to build back up it's member interest since loosing many members due to the pandemic.
Continued discussion about a possible steam roller event hosted at DMS in the spring, more to come on this. We need someone to organize this event.
Meeting adjourned 2:00pm