Printmaking Committee Meeting 20191021

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(please note that agenda is listed BELOW the minutes in this case.)

07:10 Call to Order


- Judy Kriehn

- Robert Hines

- E. Coronado

- Jeff Whitcomb

- Paul Wilson

- Astrud Aguirre

- Francesca Romano (non-member)

- Lisa Letters

Agenda Item 1: Election of Committee Chair


Jeff Whitcomb & Robert Hines as Committee Co-Chairs

Nomination - Paul Wilson

Second - Astrud Aguirre

7 - For: (count of votes for agenda item 1)
0 - Against: (count of votes for agenda item 1)
0 - Abstain: (note members abstaining by full name and reason if provided)

Discussion Item 1: Committee "bullet points" to be covered by DMS Tour Guides

When a tour guide is unfamiliar with the activities that a given committee offers, and there is nobody there from the committee to address same (or committee member has "deer in headlights" look on face like I do) the information provided is less than stellar...

It is in the committee's best interest to provide a concise list of items that a tour guide should mention. Small displays, like the one that Johnny B created for jewelry/lapidary, are likewise helpful visual aids.

Decision: List classes offered & equipment mastered during each class

Notes: Willingness to serve as a chair is hard to come by. Therefore a lot of discussion about committee chair responsibilities took place, providing insight for both non-DMS members attending and committee members who were previously unaware.


Printmaking Committee Meeting Agenda

Monday, October 21, 2019
7 pm, Printmaking Committee Area

Agenda Item 1 "Election of Printmaking Chair" - serving from Nov. 2019 - April 2020

contributed by Judy Kriehn, current committee chair

Opportunity - Apparently, we are supposed to hold our election for chairman prior to November 8. While we had a meeting planned for the 14th, since I didn't put it on the calendar on a timely basis, seems like we need to add another week to the process, because

I am not planning to run for re-election as committee chairman. It has become grossly apparent to me that trying to manage the personal storage bins, serve as a committee chair, as a SIG leader, and a member of other committees is waaaay too many commitments for me to have on my plate. Seeing as I have tentatively committed to serve as Vice-Chair of Creative Arts for the coming committee term, I feel I need to pass the torch on Printmaking to someone else. Of all the committees in DMS, I would say that Printmaking is one of the easier ones to chair. As you all know, Astrud (@printwitch) and Paul (@hardsuit) do a stellar job of managing the committee calendar and supplies. The main responsibility for the chairman is scheduling meetings, posting agendas - followed by posting minutes (and both go on the same page of the wiki) and keeping an eyeball on committee finances - which is primarily signing off on supply purchases made and ensuring procedures are followed. (and posting the minutes is a big part of that.)

I will help as much as I can to help the new chair get comfortable with the wiki usage. (It's weird and clunky, but once you learn the quirks, it's relatively simple.

No cost - just a time commitment.==

Discussion Agenda

Determining "Bullet Point" items to provide to PR & Member Services Groups for development of Tour Guide crib notes.

If you've been here during "Thursday Tour Night," either as a member-bystander or as a guest during a tour, you have probably noticed that the information provided about a given committee area varies, depending on the tour guide - and their personal knowledge of the area being reviewed. Often, this is seriously lacking. (aka BORING or uninformative.)

During the PR committee meeting yesterday, we discussed the issue, and agreed that developing a set of "crib notes" that we can provide to members leading a tour would make the space a lot more attractive to a prospective member, and make giving tours a lot easier.