Machine shop committee meeting 20220226
Machine Shop Committee Meeting 02/26/2022
5:00 PM
- Tim Bene
- Thomas Fagan
- Charlie Procter
- Bob Karnaugh
- Art Givens
- Randy Lisbona
- Jay Phelps
- Edgar Lozano
- Nate Delp
- Aditya Anne
- Kevin Oliver
On-Call Attendees:
- Chris Marlow
- Nick Silva
Attendee / Proxy For: N/A
Action Items:
- (Thomas, 02/26/22) HAAS - Work with Tim and Art to get a HAAS order placed
- X-Axis home switch
- Way wipers
- DTE25
Review Prior Action Items:
Upcoming class commitments (and needs/carry-overs):
- N/A
Tool Issues:
- Bridgeport
- noise - Tim is looking at the plastic bushing insert
- Tool release switch is flexing
- The Albrecht chucks are rebuilt
- 2.5mm bearings which is different than the newly designed version
- Kalamazoo cold saw
- There are blades in the cabinet and waiting for someone to get off their ass and change the blade
- Evolution cold saw
- Blades are gumming up
- One tooth seems to be the worst offender
- Discussions:
- Polish the offending tooth with a stone
- Get the blade reground
- Haimer
- Thomas commented there is a lag between movement at the 1/10 thou movement and the registration on the Haimer
- Haimer
- Shark Lathe
- Nate mentioned the taper was off by about
- Shapeoko
- Aditya mentioned the router was making noise
- Jay stated he will check it after the meeting
- Aditya mentioned the threads on the hold-down was stripped
- Plastics bandsaw
- Marked training required
- Needs a good blade for plastics
For Purchase:
- $5631 Machine Shop balance (We are down two months of allowance)
- Bizwacky is working the HAAS computer
- Board approved the purchase about 1 month ago
- Nick mentioned that Titans of CNC has a Mastercam Promo Education License 1 seat 1 year license for $160
- No one knew the limitations
- Lighting
- Glassworks lighting lux 900-1000
- Machine shop lux reading 200
- Max/Tim stated we want to lower the light fixtures - This won't work as we climbed up and the lux reading was marginally better 350 'ish
- Do we want to do what jewelry did.....
- Chris Marlow stated the current bulbs are:
- LUNERA-10100
- 5000K 5500 Lumens - 43W - T8 LED Tube - FT96T12 Replacement 120-277V
- Bulbs were bought from 1000bulbs
- Chris stated that we have the rep's name and he wants to be very helpful
- Tim now has the rep's contact info and is going to follow up with the rep
- Nick stated the company he works for bought flashlights for each station....we all laughed and said we should get headlamps
- Julio brought up wanting a gear hobbler
- Charlie recommended that we can buy specific cutters for the gear Julio wants to cut
- Nate mentioned you can rent them
- Nate stated he and Max would like a hardness tester
- Nate wants a dial type of hardness tester
- Paul said one was going up for auction in Burleson....It is dial type
- Kevin stated he would like to be checked out on the Sherlines to verify his standard operating is aligned with ours and volunteered to teach the classes
- N/A
Meeting adjourned