Machine Shop Committee Meeting 20210828
- Tim Bene
- Charlie Procter
- Bob Karnaugh
- Randy Lisbona
- Beth Appleton
- Jim Kreter
- Kevin Brayby
- Jay Phelps
- David Kessinger
- David Shirato
- Pierre Alkubeh
- Nick Silva
Is everyone getting what they need in the machine shop
- The S&D half inch shank drills are damaged or missing and need replacement. They will be replaced by 3 flat shank drills. Randy Lisbona to research
- The Bridgeport mill down feed handle needs replacement, eventually.
- The HAAS VF2 coolant UV lamp is burned out and needs replacement.
- The plastics dust collector is not working. -Bad 200 mfd start cap
- The Colchester lathe gearbox oil was changed. The gearbox O ring may need replacement.
- It was confirmed that there are an adequate number of calipers in circulation.
- It was recommended and approved, that lights be placed over the lathe.
- The Machine Shop needs new metal files and file cards.
- The plastics group router needs aluminum hold downs.
- A Tormach 8 lathe will be donated to the DMS Machine shop with some stipulations. Stipulations:
- an online class be made for learning the basics of the CAM and the machine to help alleviate training stress in advance of an in-person class. Donor is willing to assist with this. Requirement of a previous lathe training or integrated lathe basics is up to the discretion of the committee. If the unit is ever disposed, it must be sold for fundraising purposes, with the proceeds earmarked to the DMS machine shop. Within 12 months a demo program be made that can be used for demonstrating the machine on tours. How this is implemented is entirely within the discretion of the committee. It does not need to run for every tour session, but is at the discretion of tour guides should a trained operator be present. Should this prove too difficult to execute within 12 months, the ability to present a demonstration video next to the machine for tours will suffice
- It was recommended that the turret drill press by scrapped after all useable parts are removed.
- The surface grinder needs a wheel balancing fixture before it can be used. Charles Procter is working on the fixture. The surface grinder needs a method of controlling grinding dust. Discussion about restricting the surface grinder use to trained personnel and limiting its use by an RFID or mechanical lockout.
- The MasterCam® license request was approved by the DMS Board of Directors with the stipulation that the floating license seats be increased from 5 to 7 seats. The fixed seat will reside at the HAAS VF 2 in a new computer. Nick Silva will continue to oversee training of the VF 2 including training and requirements on using the new MasterCam® software. -Unanimous
- There was lengthy discussion on acquiring a used sinker EDM at no cost. Topics included that it is not known if it is in working order, rigging, if it contains used or contaminated dielectric, who will run, repair and maintain it. A straw poll showed 8 against acquiring the EDM, 1 for and 3 abstentions. Charles Proctor and Randy Lisbona volunteered to evaluate the EDM again. The EDM is located in Denton and will be scrapped within a month if not acquired by DMS.