Machine Shop Committee Meeting 20200627
Virtual & Physical Machine shop monthly meeting. 06/27/2020 17:00
- Paul Morely-Left about 6pm-Virtual
- Jim Hartnett
- Chris Marlow- Virtual
- Charles Procter; Vice-Chair
- Bob Karnaugh; Vice Chair
- Malcolm Galland-Virtual
- Tim Bene; Chair
- David Busch-Virtual
- Rich Meyer-Virtual
- Todd Caldwell-Virtual- Came in after about 6
- Campbell Hyde
- Beth Appleton
- Max Holthaus
- Jake Adams
- Jay Phelps
- Consumables seem to be relatively ok.
- Missing Drill bits for the Drill set are notated- They were ordered & replaced
- Rich is going to work on electrical next week.
- 3-phase disconnects (Rich is going to take care of this?)
- Someone needs to work on plug & air for vacuum former.
- Need plug for Millport, + disconnects. Rich plans to work this next week, including the Pasma power.
- Jay Phelps volunteered to get the Shapeoko 3 running. Seeking volunteers who are willing to help teach it. Paul is willing to help, including looking into building an enclosure.
The committee is gravely concerned about the potential for personnel injury if the door between Machine Shop and the Flex area is opened for general passage, allowing people who may not have proper PPE or footwear to pass through the Machine Shop.
Motion: The direct door into machine shop remain permanently barred due to safety concerns, in accordance with the plans approved by the fire marshal and the City. Motion passed by unanimous vote.
- Request for scribe in Machine Shop, Will order
- Motion: Investigate and purchase extended drawbar to place on Millport machine. Motion passes. 12 votes for, 3 abstain.
- Cracked XY nut under Millport bed - needs replacement. Charlie has investigated price. Apparently we need to buy this. Cost is less than required for committee vote
New Rules
- Motion to move ahead with Shapeoko III and get it running at this time. Currently limited to plastics only.Motion passes: 12 for. 2 abstains. One opposed (due to restrictions on plastics only). Committee will vote on other materials in the future.
- Paul Morley was recognized for putting the drawbar on the Pasma mill.
- Paul thanked all the volunteers who got the moved and improved Machine Shop moved and installed! We all concur
- People were asked to think about ideas for partitions along the main walkway (approximately 54 feet). Objectives are to:
Protect members and provide a safety barrier to chips, etc. for passers-by still allow visibility into the area allow service access to maintain machines Partition height may be restricted by fire or building code. Tim volunteered to post on Talk to get discussion