Machine Shop Committee Meeting 20190727
Per minutes posted to Talk.
MACHINE SHOP MEETING MINUTES 2019-07-27 ---- ATTENDANCE: - Clayton Watkins - Rich Meyer - Charlie Proctor - Art Givens - David Kessinger - Bob Karnaugh - Micheal Kramer - Chris Marlow - Randy Lisbona - Mike Glass - Chris Wischkowsky - Max Holthaus - Tim Bene - Jim Hartnett (arrived right after Chair vote) ---- MOTION: Elect Tim Bene as chair - [no other candidates] - VOTE - FOR: 12 - AGAINST: 0 - ABSTAIN: Tim Bene - Tim Bene is chair-elect ---- MOTION: replace the indexable tool holders total of 5 not the exceed $600 - VOTE: - FOR: 14 - FOR: 14 - AGAINST: 0 - ABSTAIN: 0 - MOTION PASSED
MACHINE SHOP MEETING DISCUSSION ITEMS 2019-07-27 - Discussion of items in the machine shop that needed attention. - Lathe need more inserts, previously brought to my attention that we had an odd ball tool holders. - Discussion of the drills & taps, we will be researching common sizes. - Discussion of expansion.