Machine Shop Committee Meeting 20190525
Per minutes posted to Talk
17:00 MEETING COMMENCED ==== ATTENDANCE Nick Silva (chair) Tim Bene (VC) Freddy Calvert Charles Procter Bob Karnaugh David Kessinger Bill Gee Kevin Patel Bud Farnahan Michael Cramer ==== MOTION: Several of our machnes need some TLC. Large pully on Bandsaw broke. Freddy Calvert will order it. Approximate cost is $700. Since this is a repair, no vote is needed. - UNANIMOUS CONSENT - MOTION PASSED ==== MOTION: Freddy Calvert is authorized to spend up to $500 on lathe tooling on behalf of the committee. - PROPOSED: Nick Silva - SECONDED: David Kessinger - UNANIMOUS CONSENT - MOTION PASSED ==== 18:00 MEETING ADJOURNED