Laser Committee Meeting Minutes 05192019
Special Meeting for Laser Chair Election 5/19/19
- Andrew K @sixvolts
- Ali M @skwurl
- Michael B @michaelb
- David Sommers @pinewoodnut
- Merissa Green @merissa
- David C
Attendee sign-in sheet originals are stored in the black cabinet in the committee space in the blue clipboard
- waiting until 1:10 for attendees
- Merissa nominates Andrew Kongs for laser chair, Michael seconds
- six votes for, zero against. Andrew has been re-elected as chair.
- David Sommers proposes buying five computers to homogenize the laser machines
- Andrew Proposes $1000 each maximum for a total $5000 for computers
- Ali seconds the proposal
- six votes for, zero against, motion passes.
- discussion of blast gates for exhaust system
- need to investigate the size of the ducting on the thunder machines
- will order an electric blast gate
- David requests white lithium grease for rails
- Andrew will order more lenses. Will buy 10 from Cloud Ray and 10 GaAsSe from Ali Express
- Merissa will post maintenance day meetings to the calendar for the 1st Sunday
- @11:00-12:00 for meeting
- @12:00-2:00 for cleaning day
- Meeting Adjourned at 1:41PM