JSM Committee Meeting 20180711
JSM Committee Meeting
07/11/2018 19:00
Host: Joseph Lahoud (Department Chair)
Hannah Pickett
Cairenn Day
Terry Sikes
Sue Rogers
Anne Gullett
Austin Greenfield
Linda Wynne
Linda Dallas
Samantha Golden
- Again, recognized Anne G. for having taught six, the most classes in the month of June.
- Shared news that lease was signed!
- We had a total of 11 classes with 1 orientations included. Thanks to everyone who volunteered to teach!!
- Committee priority remains to be recruiting volunteers to teach
- Current Committee Balance $3650
- Purchase of additional large fixtures, furniture, and equipment is pending further specifics on expansion
- Sought commitment for July orientation. Austin has scheduled for 8/18
- Next committee meeting scheduled for 8/15, 7 PM.
- Seeking volunteers to help make airdrop. Terry & Austin volunteered to help, date TBD
- Terry wants to use casting machine crucible for bronze. No objections.
- Discussed the purchase of items on the supply list. Terry agreed to place Rio order for the requested items. Reminder that misc purchase requests are welcome, but need to be written down on the clip board hanging on the supply cabinet. Please provide specific information to help source requested items.
- Caireen advocated DMS JSM participate in an upcoming mineral show and stated volunteers will be needed. Joseph requests more specific info on the booth opportunity and suggested PR committee get in the loop.
- Sale at Rio if anyone is interested, running through the 20th
- Meeting adjourned