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A script from William "Bill" Gee's class, "Introduction to Inkscape":
Bill 18h I taught a beginner's introduction to Inkscape last year. It was essentially a long demo of various techniques with explanation; this was my demo script:
- Launch Inkscape
- Point out tools
- Show how hovering pops up description
- Choose rectangle tool
- Draw rectangle in middle of page
- Explain click point is one corner
- Choose selection tool
- Explain selection tool
- Select rectangle
- Show move and stretch
- Explain constraint
- Show constrained move and stretch
- Click on figure again to enable rotate/skew
- Demo rotate and skew
- Show deselection by clicking outside
- Select rectangle
- Delete rectangle
- Undo
- Redo
- Explain constraint while drawing
- draw square at top of page
- Choose ellipse tool
- Draw ellipse at bottom of page
- Delete ellipse
- draw smaller circle overlapping the square
- Choose polygon tool
- Explain click point is the center for this tool
- draw polygon
- Explain Z-order
- Choose selection tool
- Select square
- Demo Z-order
- Show that square can be manipulated without affecting other figures
- Drag select all
- Show move and stretch multiple selection
- Deselect
- Show select square and explain value of grouping
- Select all
- Group
- Show move and stretch group
- Deselect
- Show select group
- Choose freehand tool
- Draw over other figures
- Choose selection tool
- Select freehand figure
- Move in Z-order to show that group is treated as single figure
- Ungroup
- Move freehand through Z-order
- Delete freehand and polygon
- Demo align and distribute
- Delete circle
- Demonstrate changing fill and stroke on square
- Demonstrate editing of polygon
- Grid
- Guides
- Snap to
- Import a raster image (DMS logo) and trace. Show the result is vector.