GlassWorks 20221102
11/2/22 Peace Nicole Megan Beth Vincent James Jerry
Called to order at 7:04 PM
New Business: 1. Need to buy: -fire paper -larger fusing pieces to utilize the smaller scraps -lapidary wheels
2. Peace Dunlap motions to vote for him as Committee Chair. Seconded by Nicole LeCody
For: 7 Against: 0
3. Need to make lower table for area.
4. Zing Laser doesn't currently require training but Laser Basics class preferred (for etching/cutting glass).
5. James will have someone come empty out the cash box in glassworks.
Past To Dos (Completed): 1. Large kiln screen has been fixed.
Still Pending: 1. Coordination still pending for help from woodworking to make a lightbox for the DMS logo piece Pearce made.
To Do: 1. Get more lampwork mandrels.
Ended at 7:26