GlassWorks 20220406
Glassworks Meeting 4/6/2022 at 7:00 pm
Pearce Dunlap Vincent Cardick Nicole LeCody Kendra Hartigan Jerry Haugen
1. Need to schedule a meeting two weeks from now for Glassworks chair.
(Vote will be on 21st, 7pm) 2. Want to look at getting a waterjet for Glassworks to oversee. Will need to request from new board once voted in. Pearce will handle this.
3. Pearce has a lead on a Denver Kiln. Retired artist wants to potentially loan (with stipulation she can use it; will need to be worked out) with possibility of selling it at some point. 24x36 glass kiln.
4. Glassworks will order Book Oraganizer (x4) to better organize the glassworks library. Pricing: $19.34 via Amazon
5. Need to look at ordering newer foil (current foil is old and doesn't adhere well).
6. Need to add pricing to Wiki: 10 cents a gram for all components (weight completed piece). - Nicole will do this.
To Do: Pearce to follow up on waterjet for glassworks
To Do: Still need to look into bar mats for work area. Kendra will inquire Freddy Calvert about purchasing from supply store. (Space measurement: 10ft by 20ft)
To Do: Pearce will schedule Chair vote meeting on calendar.
Possible To Do: 1. Band Saw needs a little tweaking but otherwise should be in working order. Need to align the blade but it's proving difficult.
Past To Do Complete: 1. Push pins for homasote boards purchased. 2. Purchased hand brooms. 3. Purchased more grinder replacement bits. 4. Diamond wiresaw is fixed and working. 5. Purchased more rubbing alcohol. 6. Purchased new copper foil. 7. Purchased 4 book organizers
Meeting ended at 7:43