Electronics Committee Meeting 03-26-2022
Electronics Committee Mtng 3/26/22 Lecture Hall
Start - 3:03p Attending - Art Givens, Joshua Freedman, Michael Lacy, Adam Barrow
ELab -
1) purchased 8x flush cutters - put 4x in toolbox
2) purchased 3x sets 5 color stackable banana jack to alligator clip 1 meter long cables
3) personal storage bins have been moved, got ok to move all of east boundary over ~3 ft
4) local network for ELab for testing / dev work - islolated-not connected to main network
5) does ELab have a bus pirate?
1) pallet rack parts - check on local suppliers
2) install ground rod
Misc - Infra Mtng - clean up cable runs to Blacksmithing and Hamshack, add cables
End 3:55p