Computer Committee Meeting 20190619
VCC Computer Committee Meeting 20180619, 19:00
Time, location
20180619 (19:00), Via Discord and common room near the museum
Meeting adjourned at approximately 19:40
In attendance: (2 attendees) Doug Emes Dwight Spencer
Meeting started 20:00PM
Prior Minutes
Financial Statement
SIG Report
Civic Hacking
- Jupyter notebook on the community grid has been offline. Volunteers needed to fix traefic and websockets.
Interactive Computer Museum
- Museum Moved over but waiting for network drops and power. - MAME cabinet project has supplies and scheduled for the last weekend of 06/2019.
- XM Core BBS has fidonet areas have been expanded. NNTP access to these areas are underway. - Videos on Fidonet to be created and posted to youtube and talk.
Thanks to dataforge to rebooting their UUCP tier 1 nodes. VCC is getting provisioned access to UUCPNET. We'll use this for the pdp-11(sys-v) instances on the communitygrid for mail, news, listserv, fidonet, and basic/pascal/fortran programs. This will also be used to interact with the computer museum in Seattle (sdf!) and as part of a whitepaper the committee will be publishing in 2600 on darknets.
STEM Pilot Program report
- CTF is is the next focus for rounds of repairs. - MHL Intro to Docker is next on the calendar :
Crypto Sig
Looking for presenters and talks. July is the next one and we're scheduled for a roundtable with an intro to blockchain until we can get some lectures.
DevOps leadership
- Classes are going up for July on how to use a CICD, github, and deploy to a docker cluster. - Classes are in the works for ansible.
- Updates - Scheduling Locksport class
* ANSI Art displays for museum As a committee we have been in contact with a few ANSI artests to display thier work in the museum. As such we'll be setting up a few large monitors on the wall to display the art. Project thread
* Hack this payphone For a fun project we've been working on getting a payphone operational. The mounting bracket has came in and we're needing to get this on the wall. Once mounted users will be able to bluebox/redbox the phone, dial out to other bbs's and even make calls. Project thread
General discussions are held at and