Computer Committee Meeting 20180112
This was the January 2018 monthly meeting for the Software Development Committee.
Date, time, location
20180525 Friday 19:00 Dallas Makerspace
Meeting minutes
19:01 meeting called to order
Coul C. proposed the dissolution of the committee Dwight S. countered with his nomination Robin B. Seconded the motion Corey Requested that there at least be a second on the grounds that there should be a form of democratic choice. Robin B. Nominated Corey whom accepted.
- Corey, Three - Dwight S. Four in attendance + Four Proxy Votes
Next Software Development Committee Meeting
20180622 June 19:00 Lecture Hall
Ending Agenda Items
- Update the board, talk, and wiki with the new change in leadership - Committee will create three proposals for physical and virtual space usage - Committee will develop a core curriculum to be taught on a monthly basis