Classroom Meeting Minutes 20181007
Attendance: john a. gorman Catherine Lugo Cairenn Day
Topics: 1. Review of last month: Thank you: Dave - Inventory Dick and Nate: Repaired many, many tables and chairs.
2. Expansion: Storage Closet lost? Discussed need.
3. Renaming Classroom to Education to reflect priorities and mission. Serve as a contact. This was also agreed upon last month, but the BOD Agenda was very full.
4. P&L. $2,380. As of 10/7.
- Honorariums 8/1 to 10/7. from Beth A., Lance P., and Adnan E C.. Thank you! - Expenses: cables, adapters, books. X Errors still on books. a. 2x charge for floor supplies. b. Tax on flooring c. Button machines for CA
5. Cleaning Chairs - need to rent a steam wand. Team to clean.
6. Library: depending on space after expansion. How to automate a check-in check out process. RFID? Problem is it becomes a development project.
7. To Do: Monitors for new classrooms. Determine best systems and submit requests for funds. Projectors may cost about the same as monitors. Need to compare.