Ceramics Committee Meeting 20221206

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Ceramics Committee Meeting 20221206

2022-12-06 6:30 PM, DMS North Lobby class room

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Call to order: 6:30PM

Present: Monika, April B, Steve B, Beth, Anna N, Kevin, Jamie R, Sherry, Christine T, Sonya, Andrew C, Andrew D, Liv, Amy R, Scott P


Item 1: Holiday Pot Swap Explanation and Reminder

To be held on 12/4 for 2-4 Remember to sign up to be assigned your swap person.

Item 2: Purchases Pending

Chains for Lights


We will be purchasing the infrastructure needed for the light in the Flex area. Anna and Scott to handle

Item 3: Progress on the shelving for glazes

Burt has now taken on Wood shop so he will not be able to assist on CNC until January

Anna will be working on a design and will bring the design potential costs back to the group for approvals

Item 4: Lights in Flex area

See above on purchases. Tim from Metal shop will assist Anna in getting the infrastructure hung, based on hi availability

Item 5: Dip Glaze location and cost

Anna is creating a sign for dip glazes to include that underglaze must be dry for at least 24 hours before you can utilize dip glaze

Item 6: Space Contribution and Meet ups: ware boards, clean up days, Volunteer for reclaim clay

We will set a cookie and Kiln maintenance day in January

Item 7: Reclaim process

April will hold a class/event for those interested in the reclaim process

The group will learn and decide how it will work and bring suggestions back to the group

Item 8 : Storing items on forms

Rule is that you can store your item on a DMS form for no longer than 24-48 hours

Item 9: do not use the glaze shelf as storage until you have a cookie come through the kiln. This is considered personal storage

Item 10: New Business/Open items

New folks not following the guidelines

Discussed making sure that the AD is added for all students to require 100. It is a part of the class today however nothing to stop folks from not being able to use the space.

Need to enhance cookie information in the online wiki and class.

Meeting Adjourned approx. 7:30PM

Categories: CeramicsMeetings2022 Meetings