Board of Directors Meeting 20210818
Time, location
- Time & Place: 2021-08-18 19:00, Dallas Makerspace
- Google Meet .info
- ID:
- Phone Number: (US) +1 304-981-5508, PIN: 808 439 300#
Prior minutes
{Link to all prior unapproved minutes}
Financial Statement
Member Recognition and Complaints
Member recognition (above and beyond) and member complaints will be considered before other business. This will allow members that are interested or involved with either to leave without having to sit thru the entire meeting.
Old Business
Items TABLED at the previous Board Meeting shall be placed as Old Business agenda items. Any item tabled more than once for lack of satisfactory forward motion by its sponsors or proponents is a candidate for dismissal.
Consent Agenda
Newly proposed agenda items appear in the consent agenda. Any member present at the meeting may pull an item out of the consent agenda for discussion, at which point it goes under "New Business". If nobody objects to the solutions presented by the consent agenda, everything in the consent agenda passes by consensus. Items that have more than one proposed solution should be moved to the "New Business" section.
Any member may edit this wiki page and place an item on the agenda. However, discussion of agenda items should be done via the forums. The cut-off time for addition to or revision of all agenda items is 48 hours prior to the meeting.
Please note, agenda items (Consent, New, or Old) that request spending $200 or more must include a section on "Relevance to our tax exempt purpose".
A capital equipment form (listed at the bottom of the Finance forms list) is required for all equipment purchase or lease exceeding $1000 for which funds are requested from the Board in part or total, at least two weeks in advance of the board meeting.
CA1 (Submitter)
CA2 (Submitter)
CA3 (Submitter)
New Business
Agenda items should be placed in New Business if there is any expectation of discussion by the Board or others in attendance during the meeting.
Mastercam software (Tim Bene via Machine Shop Committee)
Problem: We currently do not have a perpetual license for CAM. This becomes a serious problem for teaching the HAAS. The current instructors do not want to take the time to create more documentation for classes. We currently can not teach classes due to the F360 fiasco.
Solution: Allow Machine Shop to purchase perpetual licenses for MasterCam as per the committee voted on 7-24-21. The cost of the licenses are 300$ per fixed license & 320$ per floating license. These licenses are EDU version, we do have documentation from the MasterCam vendor that we qualify for this. We want to purchase 5 floating licenses & 1 fixed license to stay on the computer with the HAAS. This will allow for there to be a more permanent class structure, specifically for HAAS. This will allow us to become CAD independent, specifically for the HAAS training. MasterCam should be able to do other g-code generation as well for our other CNC machines.
Relevance: Purchasing the software allows us to continue to teach as per our mission goal.
NB2 (Submitter)
NB3 (Submitter)
19:01 CALL TO ORDER ==== ATTENDANCE - Justin - James (Online) - Tails (Online) - Julie (Online) - Curtis (Online) ==== MOTION: Approve Prior Minutes - Proposed Justin - Seconded Curtis - Vote - For UNANIMOUS - Opposed - Abstained - Motion PASSED ==== TREASURER'S REPORT ==== MEMEBER RECOGNITION - BoD recognizes and thanks Tim Bene - BoD recognizes and thanks Randy Lisbona ==== NEW BUSINESS NB 7.1 - AS WRITTEN: "Allow Machine Shop to purchase perpetual licenses for MasterCam as per the committee voted on 7-24-21. The cost of the licenses are 300$ per fixed license & 320$ per floating license. These licenses are EDU version, we do have documentation from the MasterCam vendor that we qualify for this. We want to purchase 5 floating licenses & 1 fixed license to stay on the computer with the HAAS. This will allow for there to be a more permanent class structure, specifically for HAAS. This will allow us to become CAD independent, specifically for the HAAS training. MasterCam should be able to do other g-code generation as well for our other CNC machines." - Motion: Approve up to 7 floating licenses & 1 fixed. - Proposed Justin - Seconded James - Vote - For UNANIMOUS - Opposed - Abstained - Motion PASSED ==== NEXT MEETING: September 15 19:00 ==== MEETING ADJOURNED 19:08