Board of Directors Meeting 20200315 Special Meeting
10:10 Call to Order ==== Attendance - Julie Harris - James Henningson - Ken Purcell - Brad Sims - Lara Rosenblith [teleconference] ==== NOTE: Despite being given considerable advance notice, the members facing complaints affirmatively chose to neither appear in person and make their case nor respond in writing to address the complaints. ==== MOTION: Permanently expel Kris Anderson from the Dallas Makerspace for repeat misuse of organizational funds, signing contracts without authorization, gross violations of the code of conduct, and routinely misleading the membership based on the allegations within the complaint - Proposed by James - Seconded by Lara -Call for vote - In favor Unanimous - Opposed - Abstain - Motion Passed ==== MOTION: Dismiss complaint against David Kessinger - Proposed by James - Seconded by Brad - Call for vote - In favor Unanimous - Opposed - Abstain - Motion Dismissed ==== MOTION: Dismiss complaint against Chuck Baber - Proposed by James - Seconded by Ken - Call for vote - In favor Unanimous - Opposed - Abstain - Motion Dismissed ==== MOTION: Dismiss complaint against Steve Blanchard - Proposed by Brad - Seconded by Jams - Call for vote - In favor Brad, James, Julie, Lara - Opposed - Abstain Ken - Motion Dismissed ==== MOTION: Approve $102,035 for Bright Electric bid for 102 Warehouse work - Proposed by James - Seconded by Brad - Call for vote - In favor Unanimous - Opposed - Abstain - Motion Passed ==== 11:17 Meeting adjourned