Board of Directors Meeting 20190727 Special Meeting
12:45 CALL TO ORDER ---- ATTENDANCE - Scott Blevins - Julie Harris - James Henningson - Ken Purcell ---- MOTION TO WAIVE NOTICE UNANIMOUS CONSENT ---- MOTION: Approve expansion change - Proposed: James - Seconded: Scott - VOTE - For: Unanimous - Against: - Abstained: - MOTION PASS ---- MOTION: Permanently expel (non-member) Sean Crawford for alleged theft - Proposed: Julie - Seconded: James - VOTE - For: Unanimous - Against: - Abstained: - MOTION PASS ---- MOTION: permanently expel (non-member) Remy Ochei for trespassing - Proposed: Julie - Seconded: James - VOTE - For: Unanimous - Against: - Abstained: - MOTION PASS ---- 12:55 MEETING ADJOURNED