Board of Directors Meeting 20190713 Special Meeting
MEETING CALLED TO ORDER 08:50 ATTENDANCE: - Scott Blevins - Julie Harris - James Henningson (via teleconference) - Ken Purcell MOTION: WAIVE REQUIREMENT FOR ADVANCE NOTICE - Unanimous Consent MOTION: Pass Substance Abuse Policy " Intoxicating Substance Policy 1. The possession or consumption of alcohol, illegal drugs, or other intoxicating substances is prohibited anywhere on or within the premises, parking lot, or common walkways of the Dallas Makerspace. 2. Anyone suspected of being intoxicated or impaired will be asked to leave the premises immediately and may be subject to additional disciplinary action. Refusal to leave will result in a call to local Police. 3. Anyone observing this behavior should escalate to an officer or director. If there is not one present, a message should be sent to [email protected] with the date, time, location of the incident, name of the offender, witness names and any other relevant details. " - Proposed: Julie - Seconded: Scott - VOTE - In favor: Unanimous - MOTION PASSED MOTION: Adjourn - Proposed: Scott - Seconded: James - VOTE - In favor: Unanimous - MEETING ADJOURNED MEETING ADJOURNED 09:00