Board of Directors Meeting 20190527 Special Meeting
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PURPOSE: Appoint DMS CFO/Treasurer LOCATION: Tele-conference 22:05 MEETING CALLED TO ORDER ==== ATTENDANCE - Scott Blevins - M. Blatz - Julie Harris - James Henningson - Ken Purcell ==== CONSENT TO WAIVE REQUIREMENT FOR ADVANCED NOTICE - James Henningson - present and waives notice - Scott Blevins - present and waives notice - Julie Harris - present and waives notice - M. Blatz - present and waives notice - Ken Purcell - present and waives notice ==== MOTION: Appoint Brian Davis as CFO/Treasurer - PROPOSED BY: Julie - SECONDED BY: Ken - VOTE - In Favor: Scott, Marshall, Julie, Ken - Opposed: James - Abstained: - MOTION PASSES ==== 22:10 MEETING ADJOURNED