Board of Directors Meeting 20190218

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Time, location

20190218 19:00 Dallas Makerspace

YouTube Live Link

Prior minutes

Financial Statement

Bank Balances:

Checking 1:   $229,762.21
Checking 2:   $117,505.45
Savings:      $232,692.71
Total:        $579,960.37
P&L 2019 YTD:
Dallas Makerspace
Profit and Loss
January 1 - February 18, 2019
Total Income $156,670.65
Total Cost of Goods Sold $0
Gross Profit $156,670.65
Total Expenses $131,334.29
Net Operating Income $25,336.36
Total Other Expenses -$806.11
Net Other Income $806.11
Net Income $26,142.47

The P&L does not reflect the February rent payment. The statement will be released to DMS on the 20th or 21st of February.


Committee Balances:
Dallas Makerspace
3D Fabrication Automotive Blacksmithing Classroom Competitive Robotics
COMMITTEE BALANCE 28,880.27 11,934.54 6,160.90 4,604.66 1,000.00
Creative Arts Digital Media Electronics EXPANSION Financial
COMMITTEE BALANCE 27,884.70 (2,212.44) 7,580.57 (18,966.13) (48,306.00)
Fired Arts Glassworks Hatchers Infrastructure Jewelry
COMMITTEE BALANCE 12,117.36 4,048.87 1,558.92 100,547.06 7,900.77
Laser Logistics Machine Shop Metal Shop Motorsports
COMMITTEE BALANCE 78,605.15 12,900.15 20,285.64 43,654.56 3,877.36
PR Printmaking Radio Control Science Software Development
COMMITTEE BALANCE 11,050.49 6,431.49 509.33 6,550.85 2,784.92
Vector Vintage Computer Wood Shop Amateur Radio
COMMITTEE BALANCE 1,752.39 1,073.86 32,189.74 0.00

With regard to Committee Fund Balance's there are $13,227.00 unclassified, untagged or receipt not attached in Expensify. This will affect some committee balances.


Maker Fellowship Fund:

Spent 5+ hours going through Quickbooks, the WIKI and TALK compiling all MFF transactions since 2010 which is as far back as I could find information.

Good News: Over 85 people donated to MFF via PayPal since 2010. We have granted over a hundred people/months worth of dues. The Picnic - Silent Auction raised $1,762 and is now counted towards the fund. MFF income total to date: $5,433.56 DMS has granted to date: $5,865.00

Bad News: This means we are $431.44 in the hole.

Executive Session

Vote on Expansion contract for Dallas Makerspace. Board members only.

Member Recognition and Complaints

Member recognition (above and beyond) and member complaints will be considered before other business. This will allow members that are interested or involved with either to leave without having to sit thru the entire meeting.

Recognition for Ken Purcell (Josh Melnick)

Gratitude to Ken for outstanding contributions to Treasury, handling of honorariums and other unseen and miscellaneous business aspects of Dallas Makerspace for which he has been a long contributor.

Solution: Give him 3 month scholarship from the Fellowship fund.

Recognition for Bert Rabbe (on behalf of Mark Salas (Woodshop Committee Chair) and @Team_Woodshop)

Recognition: Since joining DMS earlier last year, Bert has jump-started the Multicam/CNC Router SIG, and either built and implemented solutions for, or inspired/led DMS Multicam users to help build and implement solutions for:

-- Multicam dust collector, which was being allowed to get too full to do its job effectively

-- Multicam spindle cover/shroud, allowing for more and better dust pick-up while cutting

-- Multicam collet wrench something-or-other to make tightening/un-tightening collet easier & safer [in progress]

-- Removal, servicing, and replacement of Republic blower/vacuum system

-- Complete overhaul of table suction hold-down solution, including install of vacuum manifold that now provides for individual control of suction to 6 table zones, and initial prototype and 2nd redesign of the vaccuum table plenum (for which he donated a significant piece of sheet goods).

Hard to say how many hours went into all this, including Bert’s engineering expertise, his CNC router maintenance experience, all of the planning and logistics involved, and the many others that joined him at his frequent requests &’s a lot. Had we had Multicam and Republic in to do all this for us, costs would have easily reached into the $10,000s

Nomination: The Woodshop chair and @Team_Woodshop nominate Bert for a 3-month scholarship from the Fellowship fund

Recognition for Stan Simmons (Coulson Mullen)

Problem: If we have one member who deserves to be on the DMS payroll it would be Stan. For over 5 years, he has served as the go-to person for DMS. There are very few members of DMS who have not received help from Stan at some point or another. Our gratitude has yet to be properly shown for his dedication and many 1,000’s of hours in contributions.

Solution: Recognize Stan for his noteworthy volunteer contributions to Dallas Makerspace

Motion: That Stan Simmons be awarded lifetime dues from the Fellowship Fund for his outstanding contributions to DMS.

Recognition for Chris Marlow (Coulson Mullen)

Problem: In addition to Chris’s ongoing volunteer contributions to various DMS operations, such as Talk Moderator, she has dedicated over 3,000 hours to our recent expansion project. Our gratitude has yet to be properly shown for her dedication and contributions.

Solution: Recognize Chris for her noteworthy volunteer contributions to Dallas Makerspace

Motion: That Chris Marlow be awarded lifetime dues from the Fellowship Fund for her outstanding contributions to DMS.

Consent Agenda

Newly proposed agenda items appear in the consent agenda. Any member present at the meeting may pull an item out of the consent agenda for discussion, at which point it goes under "New Business". If nobody objects to the solutions presented by the consent agenda, everything in the consent agenda passes by consensus. Items that have more than one proposed solution should be moved to the "New Business" section.

Any member may edit this wiki page and place an item on the agenda. However, discussion of agenda items should be done via the forums. The cut-off time for addition to or revision of all agenda items is 48 hours prior to the meeting.

Please note, agenda items (Consent, New, or Old) that request spending $200 or more must include a section on "Relevance to our tax exempt purpose".

A capital equipment form (listed at the bottom of the Finance forms list) is required for all equipment purchase or lease exceeding $5000 for which funds are requested from the Board in part or total, at least two weeks in advance of the board meeting.

Confirm PR committee chair (Marlow)

Problem: PR committee didn't have chair - elected one "out of cycle".

Solution: Confirm the committee chair election - Coulson Mullen.

Relevance: Not required. Doesn't require funds of $200 or more.

Remove Kris Anderson from the office of President for Repeatedly abusing her power(Ethan Western)

Problem: On the night of the February 6th 2019 Kris Anderson gave a member permission and access to 1825 Monetary lane suit 102 so that he could, under her suggestion, set up a non-code "paint booth" and paint his personal project. In doing this Kris used her power and access to suit 102 to knowingly tell a member to break two state/city laws. The first being to use suit 102 for a personal project when we do not have a Certificate of Occupancy for suit 102. Kris was aware of this law as it has been posted and repeatedly stated by Chris Marlowe. The second law is regarding the "paint-booth" being used indoors this is also not legal. The laws about painting and paint booths have been discussed in length with Kris, both between her and other board members and between Kris and myself personally. Kris knew that it was not legal to use this non-code "paint-booth" indoors.

Kris Anderson also has a history of abusing her power, the most obvious being when she made the decision to make the Dallas Makerspace forum Talk Nonpublic without consulting any committee or other Board Members. Kris Anderson herself stated this was an abuse of power, as shown by her vote in the linked meeting minutes and heard by all who attended that meeting.

Solution: Kris Anderson should be removed from the position of president and a new president should be appointed by the Board of Directors. This will hopefully discourage Kris Anderson form further abusing her remaining powers as a Board of Directors Member.

Relevance: These actions shows that Kris Anderson is willing to abuse her power to break not just our rules but state/city laws. This is greatly endangering the expansion and the Dallas Makerspace as a whole.

Replace Thunder Nova 63.(Joshua Wims (Laser vice chair)

Problem: Thunder laser 63 end of Makerspace life. It is requiring too many volunteer hours to keep it in good operational condition for our wonderful maker community.

Solution:Laser committee has meet and voted to purchase a new Thunder Nova 63 using the funds raised by usage fees of lasers. Improvements to the new machine will be made to prolong its Makerspace life. This will provide a more consistent experience for members using lasers. The current Thunder 63 will be sold as is. The machine will be advertised for sale "as is" after shipment date of the new Nova Thunder 63 is confirmed. This purchase will be made using committee funds. The current Thunder 63 will be maintained and kept operational until it is replaced.

Relevance:This is an informational post because it is a large purchase.

Defining Scope of Dallas Makerspace Public Relations (Coulson Mullen)

Problem: There is not a written, board approved definition explaining the scope of DMS Public Relations.

Solution: Define DMS Public Relations as follows:

Advertising - Increased public exposure through online and print mediums Brand Creation - Creating and maintaining a consistent brand throughout all internal/external communications which properly tells our story, message and mission. Brand Protection - Ensuring the official DMS brand is under the control of the organization and not individuals or other entities. Campus Beautification - Curating, creating, and maintaining signage, content on common walls, and the ongoing aesthetic improvement to the DMS environment as a whole in a way which is congruent with the brand and overall message of DMS. Corporate Donation Requests - Organize and facilitate the outreach to corporate entities for equipment and monetary donations Crisis Communication - Work directly with the board in response (or lack of response) to the public during a possible future crisis situation. Event Planning - Organize and promote DMS events for both member appreciation and outreach Expansion Activities - Working with the expansion group to keep members and the public up to date on progress and volunteer ops Influencer Relations - Developing and maintaining relationships with individuals and organizations who have a substantial audience within the local and/or maker community. Internal Communications - Organize and facilitate the ongoing communication between DMS and its members. Journalism - The writing of engaging, informative and relevant content for the website, social media, newsletters, blog, internal communication, and outreach. Lobby - Enhance and maintain the experience of the DMS entryway. Inform, direct traffic, promote member projects and sell DMS merchandise. Media Training - Oversee training for those who will be in the public eye. Media/Content - Organization, creation, and the distribution of photo, video, and verbiage Member Relations - Enhance member experience through communication and engagement for the purpose of member retention and overall maker enjoyment. Merchandise - Conceive, approve, make, price, promote, sell, and organize all DMS branded merchandise. Messaging & Positioning - Developing, maintaining and protecting DMS’s image to ensure our mission and objectives are properly heard and understood. Metrics - Collecting, maintaining and deciphering data to determine which tools, techniques, and formats work best to secure a larger member base and ensure those members have an optimal maker experience. New Members - Working directly with new members entering in a new environment and a unique culture which is not always easy to assimilate. (This is important enough to be separated from member relations as a whole) Outreach - Gaining exposure throughout the Dallas/Fort Worth area by building relationships, attending/sponsoring events, and becoming actively involved in our community Press - Collaborating with board members and key figures within DMS to write, produce and distribute interactions with media outlets, presentations, and ongoing press releases. Public Inquiry - Establishing the proper method to respond to various information requests Public Strategies - Develop approaches to public interaction and recruitment Social Media - Setup and maintain the official DMS Social Media outlets such as Twitter, Facebook, and our Wordpress Blog. Tours - The organization and facilitation of tours on a weekly basis Volunteers - Encouraging, promoting, and organizing DMS volunteer support Website content - (main website, blog, forums, wiki, etc.) While Infrastructure is responsible for website infrastructure, (ie: hosting, software, and updates) PR maintains the content (ie: theme, verbiage, and media) in a way which is congruent with the brand and overall message of DMS.

Relevance: The DMS Public Relations Committee should be properly defined in writing to eliminate any confusion of the committee’s responsibilities to the membership.

Half price off 1st Month When Signing Up after a Tour (Coulson Mullen)

Problem: New members signing up on the same day as they are given a tour is currently at an estimated 20% conversion rate. Due to market research (interviewing tour participants after tours) it has been shown that DMS could increase conversion upwards of 50% if they received a half price incentive off their first month’s dues.

Solution: New signups receive half price off 1st month when signing up the first time they are given a tour.

Motion: Enact a campaign which enables first time visitors to become members at half price off their 1st month if they join the same day as their 1st visit to Dallas Makerspace.

Relevance: This will be a way in which to increase signup conversion rates on 1st time visitors.

New Business

NB1 (Submitter)




NB2 (Submitter)




NB3 (Submitter)




Emergency Items

Items requiring immediate action by the BoD for safety.

Set Next BoD Meeting


7:51PM Call to Order

Directors in Attendance
Kris Anderson
S Charles Baber
David Kessinger
Steve Blanchard
Luke Strickland-Remote


Table all fellowship fund nominations due to lack of funds.
 - Table all fellowship fund nominations due to lack of funds.
   - Motion: 
   - Proposed by Kris Anderson 
   - Seconded by Luke Strickland
 -Call for vote
   -  In favor
   -  Opposed
   -  Abstain
   -  Motion Pass 


Confirm PR committee chair (Marlow)
  - Speaker1: 
  - Speaker2: 
 - Motion: 
   - Proposed Kris Anderson 
   - Seconded Luke Strickland
 -Call for vote
   -  In favor Kris Anderson, David Kessinger, Steve Blanchard, and S Charles Baber
   -  Opposed Luke Strickland
   -  Abstain
   -  Motion Pass

Remove Kris Anderson from the office of President for Repeatedly abusing her power(Ethan Western)
  - Speaker1: 
  - Speaker2: 
 - Motion: 
   - Proposed by Steve Blanchard
   - Seconded by
 -Call for vote
   -  In favor
   -  Opposed
   -  Abstain
   -  Motion Fail

Replace Thunder Nova 63.(Joshua Wims (Laser vice chair)
  - Speaker1: 
  - Speaker2: 
 - Motion: 
   - Proposed Kris Anderson
   - Seconded by 
 -Call for vote
   -  In favor All For
   -  Opposed
   -  Abstain
   -  Motion Pass

8:51PM Break

9:09PM Back in session 

Defining Scope of Dallas Makerspace Public Relations (Coulson Mullen)
  - Speaker1: 
  - Speaker2: 
 - Motion: To table discussion
   - Proposed Kris Anderson
   - Seconded Steve Blanchard 
 -Call for vote
   -  In favor all for
   -  Opposed
   -  Abstain
   -  Motion Pass

Half price off 1st Month When Signing Up after a Tour (Coulson Mullen)
  - Speaker1: 
  - Speaker2: 
 - Motion: Table discussion 
   - Proposed Kris Anderson
   - Seconded by 
 -Call for vote
   -  In favor all for
   -  Opposed
   -  Abstain
   -  Motion Pass

**Emergency Items**

Reinstate Luke Stricklands access to Talk. 

Call special board meeting 2/26/2019 at 7:00PM.

Next meeting set for 20190318

10:06PM Meeting called to close

Action Items

Status Item Description Responsible Party
[ ] Finance
[ ] Finance
[ ] Finance
[ ] Finance
[ ] Finance