Board of Directors Meeting 20180917

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Time, location

20180917 19:00 Dallas MakerSpace

YouTube Live Link

Prior minutes

Financial Statement

Dallas Makerspace
Profit and Loss
January 1- September 17, 2018
Total Income $717,703.33  
Total Cost of Goods Sold $4,442.77  
Gross Profit $713,260.56  
Total Expenses $456,515.81  
Net Operating Income $256,744.75  
Total Other Expenses $9,192.29  
Net Other Income -$9,192.29  
Net Income $247,552.46  
Monday 9.17.2018
Committee Balance
3D Fabrication 5,570.76
Automotive 9,586.91
Blacksmithing 2,243.63
Classroom 2,852.92
Competitive Robotics 1,000
Creative Arts 29,919.62
Digital Media 4,415.04
Electronics 6,265.85
Financial -26,296.16
Fired Arts -1,519.53
Glassworks 4,760.01
Hatchers 1,508.92
Infrastructure 82,045.61
Jewelry 5,345.75
Laser 59,405.89
Logistics 24,270.94
Machine Shop 17,185.76
Metal Shop 32,497.89
Motorsports 5,036.7
PR 14,804.08
Printmaking 3,739
Radio Control 509.33
Science 1,948.33
Software Development 1,500
Vector 2,837.66
Vintage Computer 587.57
Wood Shop 28,681.42

Member Recognition

Member recognition (above and beyond) will be considered before other business. This will allow members that are interested or involved with either to leave without having to sit thru the entire meeting.

Consent Agenda

Newly proposed agenda items appear in the consent agenda. Any member present at the meeting may pull an item out of the consent agenda for discussion, at which point it goes under "New Business". If nobody objects to the solutions presented by the consent agenda, everything in the consent agenda passes by consensus. Items that have more than one proposed solution should be moved to the "New Business" section.

Any member may edit this wiki page and place an item on the agenda. However, discussion of agenda items should be done via the forums. The cut-off time for addition to or revision of the consent agenda items is 48 hours prior to the meeting. Please note agenda items (Consent, New, or Old) that request spending $200 or more must include a section on "Relevance to our tax exempt purpose".

Confirm committee chairs (Chris Marlow)

Problem: Committee Chairs must be appointed every 6 months per our rules

Solution: Appoint the following individuals:

  • Each committee should add their information to this list, using this information:
  • Committee name: Nominee name (the verb "elected" or "re-elected") date
  • 3D Fab: Jayson Woods elected, 9/15
  • Automotive: Tom Tansey re-elected, 9/12
  • Blacksmithing: Ethan Western re-elected, 9/16
  • Ceramics: Brenda Morlan elected, 9/14
  • Classroom: John Gorman re-elected, 9/9
  • Creative Arts: Nicole Franczvai elected 9/11
  • Digital Media: Adnan Chahbandar elected, 9/9
  • Electronics: Art Givens re-elected, 9/13
  • Glass: Anita Willis re-elected, 9/7
  • Laser: Andrew Kongs elected, 9/16
  • Logistics: Axey Robertson re-elected, 9/6
  • Metal Shop: Jim Hartnett re-elected
  • Motor Sports: Chuck Graf re-elected
  • Public Relations: john a. gorman elected
  • Science: Josh Melnick re-elected
  • VECTOR: Shawn Christian re-elected, 9/6
  • VCC Computer: Dwight Spencer re-elected, 9/12
  • Software: Dwight Spencer re-elected, 9/12

Relevance: Not required. Does not require funds of $200 or more.

Combine Plastics Area with Machine Shop (Nick Silva)

Problem: Machine Shop (MS) has formally voted to create and support a Plastics and Composites group as a Special Interest Group under the governance of the MS. Machine shop is formally requesting that the 22' x 12' area designated for plastics in the expansion plan be formally merged with the MS. A proposed layout is available in the link.

Solution: Merge the adjacent Plastics area with the Machine Shop. This will allow for the easy sharing of common tools while outfitting the area with Plastic and Composites specific equipment, dust control, and workspace. Initial equipment will come from donations and by moving equipment such as the acrylic bender and vacuum former into the plastics area. Funding will come from the machine shop committee budget and class honorariums. A WIKI page has been created for the proposed group.

Relevance: Not required. Does not require funds of $200 or more.

Establish Grant Workgroup (denzuko)

Problem: Since VCC operates the interactive computer museum. DMS is able to apply for the INSPIRE! Grants for Small Museums.

Grants for Small Museums is a special initiative of the Museums for America grant program. It is designed to reduce the burden on small museums and help them address priorities identified in their strategic plans. Applications may include projects that focus on learning experiences, community partnerships, collections stewardship, or expanding access to collections and resources. Award amounts can range from $5,000 to $50,000.

The board must appoint a representative of the space before any grant can be submitted.

Solution: Creation of the Grant Group, whose goals are to operate as an advisory group to the board for securing a grant from Grants for Small Museums towards Dallas Makerspace with regards to the Interactive Computer Musuem. As an advisory group all final decisions would go before the board for further consideration. The Grant Group would only preform the leg work, drafting and preparation of material with conjunction with the BoD and Finance Group.


Allows for a group of dedicated members to officially proceed with the process of securing up to $50,000 in Grant money for Dallas Makerspace without violation of rules or endangering the Dallas Makerspace.

Remove Parts Washer fund and move remaining balance to general fund (Brandon Green)

Problem: In August 2017 DMS stopped paying monthly for the parts washer, but the automated monthly allocation from the general fund into a special Parts washer fund was never stopped. Currently that fund has over $4,627 in it. See

Solution: Instruct bookkeeper to stop the usage of the parts washer fund, stop the monthly allocation, and move the balance of the fund into the general fund.

Change Cutoff Time for Regular Member Meetings (Mike Cole [Draco])

Problem: Regular member meeting agenda cutoff is set the "Sunday prior at 11:59pm." There has been a day of week change in the meeting but the cutoff was not changed.

Solution: Set regular member meeting agenda cutoff to 48 hours before the meeting. This matches board meetings.

New Business

Protect Communication Platform (Luke Strickland)

Problem: Talk is not recognized in the rules of the Dallas Makerspace. This causes confusion to it's official status. Recently our transparency has been threatened, these rules would help protect that.

Solution: Adopt the following section into the Rules.

   x. Online Forum
       The Dallas Makerspace utilizes an open, publicly available forum for official announcements and communication between members. 
       1. The Infrastructure Committee is tasked with maintenance and day to day operations of the Forum. 
       2. The minimum set of rules for the Forum are our [Rules_and_Policies] & [Bylaws].

Remove Kris Anderson as DMS Talk Admin (Luke Strickland)

Problem: Kris Anderson has recently abused her administrative abilities on the DMS Talk forum by switching all categories to "Members Only", without official vote by either the Board of Directors, DMS Talk Administrators or the Infrastructure Committee.

Solution: Remove Kris Anderson's Administrative Privileges on DMS Talk.

Restore DMS Talk Committee Categories to Public Access (Ken Purcell)

Problem: Related to above, a single member without discussion or notice switched almost all TALK categories to "Members Only."

Solution: Restore committee categories to public access.

Change Infrastructure, Logistics, PR, and Classroom from committees to groups (Kris Anderson)

Problem: There are 5 support committees within DMS that should be groups. Finance is already a group. The remaining 4, Infrastructure, Logistics, PR, and Classroom should be converted from Committee to Groups. None of these are "making", they operate to support the existance of DMS. There are requirements of reporting and minimum number of members as Groups, if these requirements are not met, the group will be disbanded. These are critical functions that should not be subject to accidental disbanding.

Solution: Change the Committee status for Infrastructure, Logistics, PR, and Classroom change status from Committee to Group. With them becoming Groups, it would fall on the Board of Directors to appoint their chairs.

[Withdrawn - john]Change Board of Directors from elected positions to appointed positions (john a. gorman)

Problem: Popular vote should not determine who can best serve DMS on the Board of Directors.

Solution: Change Directors from elected to appointed.

Relevance: These areas require certain skill sets to run the day by day operations of DMS, so they shall be appointed by the Board.

Affidavit from all individuals who have Talk Admin rights (Frank Lima)

Problem: It has recently become apparent that individuals with Admin rights on Talk can view and read private direct messages. This possible breach of trust undermines the legitimacy of DMS's Board of Directors and Committee chairs.

Solution: Require all individuals who presently have or have had Admin rights write a notarized Affidavit answering the following questions:

  1. Have you ever intentionally or accidentally read private messages on Talk that you are not a party to?
  2. Have you ever been shown private messages by an Admin on Talk? Was the Admin a party to the private messages?
  3. If you have answered 'yes' to questions 1 and or 2, please detail the circumstances for each message.
    1. Did you have consent from someone who is party to the private messages?
    2. Was there an important or urgent need to view the messages, if so what?
    3. What is the approximate date you saw the private message?
    4. Were you directed to view the message by someone else? If so who?
    5. What did you do with the knowledge gained?
    6. Did you pass that information along to anyone?
    7. Detail any additional information pertinent to the issue.

Any member of the DMS is welcome and encouraged to submit an affidavit if they can answer 'yes' to questions 1 and or 2.

Affidavits must be submitted to all of the members of the Board of Directors at least 24 hours before the first public Board Meeting immediately following the September 17, 2018 Board Meeting. All Affidavits must be read out loud by the individual who wrote said Affidavit prior to the Consent Agenda during the public meeting. The Board of Directors with unanimous consent may ask, but can not require, the author of the Affidavit to omit any part of answers provided to question 3.

Any individual who answers all the questions truthfully with not be banned from the DMS as a result of the information they disclosed in the affidavit. Any individual found to have substantively lied or omitted information from the Affidavits will have Talk Admin rights removed and be banned from the DMS for no less than 6 months. Any member of the DMS that is required to submit an affidavit and fails to do so will will have Talk Admin rights removed and banned from the DMS for no less than 12 months.

Relevance: Restore membership trust in DMS leadership and Talk Admins

Luke Strickland needs to resign from the BoD so that DMS can move forward (Nick Silva)

Problem: Luke Strickland is no longer a resident of the state and is therefore an absentee board member. It is unfair to expect him to make the long trip every month to make the BoD meetings to remain in good standing. It is also unfair to the DMS membership to have an inaccessible board member who can not be involved in the day-to-day functions and problems that arise or to be available for the important upcoming move. While every effort may be made to keep up with what is going on at DMS thru media such as the cameras or TALK, that is not the same as being able to take action in person and places an unnecessary burden on delegates tasked to take care of the issues. Not being present makes it impossible to assign board level action items to an absentee board member which in turn means the remaining board has to do the work. The DMS bylaws only allow for a resignation or "Removal by resolution in a general membership meeting" which occurs but once a year in April.

Solution: If Luke Strickland truely cares about DMS he needs to resign so that a new accessible and active board member can be elected to take his place thru a special meeting before next April so that DMS can move forward with a full board.

Hold all board members to Nick's standard of required activity (Brandon Green)

Problem: In previous agenda item trying to get Luke Strickland to resign, it's implied that the value of a board member is determined by how many in person tasks they perform at the space between board meetings. If that is the new standard for determing if a board member should resign, then we should apply that standard to all board members.

Solution: If the board members truely care about DMS they will pass this agenda item stating that each board meeting all board members shall present a list of all in person activities they have performed at DMS since the last board meeting. This will allow the membership to make informed demands on if a given board member should be replaced.

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Define Roles and Responsibilities for: Treasurer and Financial Group (David Kessinger)

Problem: The roles and responsibilities of the Treasurer and Finance Group (formerly Finance Committee). This has lead to ineffectiveness. DMS now has a professional accounting firm with an onsite bookkeeper that relieves the any "accounting entry" obligations allowing the position to focus on reporting, analysis, spot audits, reviews, and checks on financial matters. This does not replace any financial auditing performed by the accounting firm or bookkeeper but rather supplements that as part of the due diligence of the Board of Directors.

Solution: Define those roles and responsibilities in Dallas Makerspace Rules.


Office of Treasurer

1.      The Treasurer is appointed and can be removed by the Board of Directors and is a corporate executive officer of Dallas Makerspace and shall enjoy the same indemnification and protection as Directors. 

2.      The office term is until the next annual meeting for the Board of Directors or until replaced.  

3.     The Treasurer is the head of the Finance Group:

a.      Selects, appoints, and can remove members from the Financial Group.

b.     Establishes rules and procedures for its governance.

4.      Treasurer shall ensure that regular books of account are kept and shall render to the Board of Directors, from time to time as may be required or necessary, an account of the financial condition of Dallas Makerspace.

5.      Treasurer shall have the authority to sign as the official agent of Dallas Makerspace for financially related documents and records.

6.      Shall deliver an annual financial report and projections at the annual meeting and shall perform all other duties properly required of the Treasurer by the Board of Directors.

7.     The Treasurer shall perform such audits and reviews of financial transactions, supplementing those performed by accounting firms, to help ensure transactions are in compliance Dallas Makerspace rules and policies.

8.     Treasurer and Financial Group members shall not have check writing authority, ACH, wire transfer, or any other authority over Dallas Makerspace funds, except as directed by the Board of Directors or expended for the operational costs of the Finance Group. 

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Treasurer & Financial Group


1.      Treasurer serves as head of the Finance Group and selects the standing working members of the Financial Group.

2.      Develop and publish internal procedures and policies, in conjunction with the accounting firm, for financial procedures in regards to matters of committees and the general membership.

3.      Performs tasks assigned by the Board of Directors related to the Dallas Makerspaces financial responsibilities.

4.     Works with the accounting firm to ensure that appropriate financial reports are made available to the Board of Directors on a timely basis.

5.     Assists the Board in preparing the annual budget and presenting the budget to the Board for approval.

6.     Works with the Finance Group and Board of Directors to develop Fiscal Policies for recommendation to the Board to ensure the financial integrity and sustainability of the organization.

7.      Leads Finance Group in developing long-term financial strategies to present to the board of directors.

8.      Establishes and performs such internal controls necessary, supplementing accounting firm, to ensure proper accounting characterization, detection of waste, mismanagement, or fraud.

9.      Manages accounts established by Dallas Makerspace as directed by the Board of Directors.  

10.  Works with Bookkeeper and take action to ensure Procurement Officers are timely in submitting receipts. Provide receipts for donors and together with Public Relations acknowledge contributions and donations.     

11.  Tracks Dallas Makerspace financial filings and reports are timely and complete. Maintain a calendar of filing requirements and review monthly for: Sales Tax, 990, 990-T, 1099-Misc, or other filings.

12.  Creates a calendar of critical payments and verifies payment for such things as Rent, Utilities, Insurance, and other critical items as identified by the Finance Group.

13.  Investigates and assists in investigations where inappropriate expenditures may have occurred. Coordinates with Board of Directors, accounting firm, attorney, or other professionals as required.

14.  Obtain permits and licenses as appropriate and required for financial matters.

15.  Recruit and develop the next Treasurer and Finance Group members.

Relevance: Needed for the proper functioning.and management of Dallas Makerspace

Appoint Ken Purcell as Treasurer (David Kessinger)

Problem: The position of Treasurer is vacant

Solution: Nominate Ken Purcell Treasurer

Relevance: Needed for the proper functioning.and management of Dallas Makerspace

Appoint Mary Mulherin as Secretary (Kris Anderson)

Problem: The position of Secretary is vacant

Solution: Nominate Mary Mulherin Secretary

Relevance: Needed for the proper functioning.and management of Dallas Makerspace

Change Next Chair Elections to May of 2019 (Steve Blanchard)

Problem: Board Elections occur in April. Chair Elections are in March. This is backward. If someone is a Chair and wants to run for the board. Their either holding 2 positions or resign from the Chair position forcing an almost immediate 2nd Chair election.

Solution: Set the Chair elections to after the Board elections.

Relevance: Cleans up Chair Elections in relationship to Board Elections.

Change The Posting of Elections to 13 Days and 12 Hours (Steve Blanchard)

Problem: Chair Elections if they discussed at a "standard" Committee Meeting have to be set to a weird time because of the 2 week required window to post the election. This makes setting an election awkward when it should be easy. Look at the PR Meetings on September 6th. Two events had to be scheduled to meet election deadline requirements.

Solution: By cutting the window down by 12 hours, a committee can meet at a normal time, set the election for 2 weeks and still be in compliance to have an election posted on the calendar.

Relevance: Makes Chair Elections easier to schedule in a 2 week window.

Disallow Tips in Class Descriptions (Steve Blanchard)

Problem: Instructors add comments to their classroom listings asking for food or alcohol or cash. This creates a perception of added costs to a class or to get "a passing grade" you should bring something "extra" for the instructor. A class might cost $10 and after bringing beer for the instructor that cost is actually $20. This is a ghost cost to class and makes our prices seem ambiguous and our organization seem unprof thatessional. It also looks a bribe to buy an instructors attention. Look at College classes for equivalents.

This also fills a gap in DMS financial reporting. All forms of payments should be reported to the IRS.

Solution: Eliminate any requests for additional food, drink, or cash from class descriptions. Any classes with those descriptions would need to be edited to eliminate that type wording. Instructors are not allowed to ask for cash tips during a class.

Relevance: Makes Dallas Makerspace a more professional teaching platform.

Make DMS Talk Forum private (Kris Anderson)

Problem: DMS Talk Forum is being use inappropriately as a public forum due to light moderation and lack of self control of certain members.

Solution: Make most areas of the forum private with very few exceptions that will be responsible for moderating themselves. Rules of moderation will be decided with the knowledge that this is a business and community .

Relevance: DMS talk Forum has to join the rest of the business community by acting accordingly.

Member Complaints

Member complaints will be considered after other business. This will allow members that are interested or involved with MakerSpace business to leave without having to sit thru personal business.

Emergency Items

Items requiring immediate action by the BoD for safety.

Set Next BoD Meeting


7:06PM Call to Order


 - Motion: Approve the following consent agenda items as written.
 Establish Grant Workgroup (denzuko)
 Change Cutoff Time for Regular Member Meetings (Mike Cole [Draco])

   - Proposed by Kris 
   - Seconded by David
 -Call for vote
   -  In favor Unanimous
   -  Opposed
   -  Abstain
   -  Motion Pass

Confirm committee chairs (Chris Marlow)

Appoint the following individuals:

 Each committee should add their information to this list, using this information:
 Committee name: Nominee name (the verb "elected" or "re-elected") date
 3D Fab: Jayson Woods elected, 9/15
 Automotive: Tom Tansey re-elected, 9/12
 Blacksmithing: Ethan Western re-elected, 9/16
 Ceramics: Brenda Morlan elected, 9/14
 Classroom: John Gorman re-elected, 9/9
 Creative Arts: Nicole Franczvai elected 9/11
 Digital Media: Adnan Chahbandar elected, 9/9
 Electronics: Art Givens re-elected, 9/13
 Glass: Anita Willis re-elected, 9/7
 Laser: Andrew Kongs elected, 9/16
 Logistics: Axey Robertson re-elected, 9/6
 Metal Shop: Jim Hartnett re-elected
 Motor Sports: Chuck Graf re-elected
 Public Relations: john a. gorman elected
 Science: Josh Melnick re-elected
 VECTOR: Shawn Christian re-elected, 9/6
 VCC Computer: Dwight Spencer re-elected, 9/12
 Software: Dwight Spencer re-elected, 9/12

 - Motion: All persons listed are to be approved as chair except 3d fab which needs reelection placed on calendar 14 days out minimum.
   - Proposed by Kris 
   - Seconded by Steve
 -Call for vote
   -  In favor Unanimous
   -  Opposed
   -  Abstain
   -  Motion Pass

Combine Plastics Area with Machine Shop (Nick Silva)
 - AS WRITTEN: Merge the adjacent Plastics area with the Machine Shop. This will allow for the easy sharing of common tools while outfitting the area with Plastic and Composites specific equipment, dust control, and workspace. Initial equipment will come from donations and by moving equipment such as the acrylic bender and vacuum former into the plastics area. Funding will come from the machine shop committee budget and class honorariums. A WIKI page has been created for the proposed group.

 - Motion: Approve as written.
   - Proposed by David
   - Seconded by Kris
 -Call for vote
   -  In favor S Charles, David, Luke
   -  Opposed
   -  Abstain Kris, Steve
   -  Motion Pass

Remove Parts Washer fund and move remaining balance to general fund (Brandon Green)
 - AS WRITTEN:  Instruct bookkeeper to stop the usage of the parts washer fund, stop the monthly allocation, and move the balance of the fund into the general fund.
 - Motion: Motion fails due to lack of motion.
   - Proposed by  
   - Seconded by 
 -Call for vote
   -  In favor
   -  Opposed
   -  Abstain
   -  Motion Fail


Protect Communication Platform (Luke Strickland)

Adopt the following section into the Rules.

   x. Online Forum
       The Dallas Makerspace utilizes an open, publicly available forum for official announcements and communication between members. 
       1. The Infrastructure Committee is tasked with maintenance and day to day operations of the Forum. 
       2. The minimum set of rules for the Forum are our [Rules_and_Policies] & [Bylaws].

 - Motion: Motion fails due to lack of motion.
   - Proposed by  
   - Seconded by 
 -Call for vote
   -  In favor
   -  Opposed
   -  Abstain
   -  Motion Fail

Remove Kris Anderson as DMS Talk Admin (Luke Strickland)
 - AS WRITTEN: Remove Kris Anderson's Administrative Privileges on DMS Talk. 
 - Motion: Approve as written.
   - Proposed by Luke
   - Seconded by Steve
 -Call for vote
   -  In favor Unanimous
   -  Opposed
   -  Abstain
   -  Motion Pass

Restore DMS Talk Committee Categories to Public Access (Ken Purcell)
Make DMS Talk Forum private (Kris Anderson)
 - AS WRITTEN: Restore committee categories to public or private access.
 - Motion: Restore committee categories to public access and form advisory groups of volunteer members to create recommendation for board on how to handle talk visibility moving forward.
   - Proposed by UNKNOWN
   - Seconded by UNKNOWN
 -Call for vote
   -  In favor Unanimous
   -  Opposed
   -  Abstain
   -  Motion Pass

Change Infrastructure, Logistics, PR, and Classroom from committees to groups (Kris Anderson)
 - AS WRITTEN: Change the Committee status for Infrastructure, Logistics, PR, and Classroom change status from Committee to Group. With them becoming Groups, it would fall on the Board of Directors to appoint their chairs. 
 - Motion: Modify the rules to specify that Infrastructure, Logistics, PR, and Classroom Committees can only be dissolved by motion of the board.
   - Proposed by David
   - Seconded by Luke
 -Call for vote
   -  In favor Unanimous
   -  Opposed
   -  Abstain
   -  Motion Pass

Change Board of Directors from elected positions to appointed positions (john a. gorman)
 - Motion: 
   - Proposed by  
   - Seconded by 
 -Call for vote
   -  In favor
   -  Opposed
   -  Abstain
   -  Motion Fail

Affidavit from all individuals who have Talk Admin rights (Frank Lima)
 - AS WRITTEN:  Require all individuals who presently have or have had Admin rights write a notarized Affidavit answering questions found:
 - Motion: Motion fails due to lack of motion.
   - Proposed by  
   - Seconded by 
 -Call for vote
   -  In favor
   -  Opposed
   -  Abstain
   -  Motion Fail

Luke Strickland needs to resign from the BoD so that DMS can move forward (Nick Silva)
 - AS WRITTEN: If Luke Strickland truely cares about DMS he needs to resign so that a new accessible and active board member can be elected to take his place thru a special meeting before next April so that DMS can move forward with a full board.
 - Motion: Motion fails due to lack of motion.
   - Proposed by  
   - Seconded by 
 -Call for vote
   -  In favor
   -  Opposed
   -  Abstain
   -  Motion Fail

Hold all board members to Nick's standard of required activity (Brandon Green)
 - AS WRITTEN: If the board members truely care about DMS they will pass this agenda item stating that each board meeting all board members shall present a list of all in person activities they have performed at DMS since the last board meeting. This will allow the membership to make informed demands on if a given board member should be replaced.
 - Motion: Motion fails due to lack of motion.
   - Proposed by  
   - Seconded by 
 -Call for vote
   -  In favor
   -  Opposed
   -  Abstain
   -  Motion Fail

Define Roles and Responsibilities for: Treasurer and Financial Group (David Kessinger)

Define these roles and responsibilities in Dallas Makerspace Rules.

Office of Treasurer
  1.      The Treasurer is appointed and can be removed by the Board of Directors and is a corporate executive officer of Dallas Makerspace and shall enjoy the same indemnification and protection as Directors. 
  2.      The office term is until the next annual meeting for the Board of Directors or until replaced.  
  3.     The Treasurer is the head of the Finance Group:
    a.Selects, appoints, and can remove members from the Financial Group.
    b.Establishes rules and procedures for its governance.
  4.      Treasurer shall ensure that regular books of account are kept and shall render to the Board of Directors, from time to time as may be required or necessary, an account of the financial condition of Dallas Makerspace.
  5.      Treasurer shall have the authority to sign as the official agent of Dallas Makerspace for financially related documents and records.
  6.      Shall deliver an annual financial report and projections at the annual meeting and shall perform all other duties properly required of the Treasurer by the Board of Directors.
  7.     The Treasurer shall perform such audits and reviews of financial transactions, supplementing those performed by accounting firms, to help ensure transactions are in compliance Dallas Makerspace rules and policies.
  8.     Treasurer and Financial Group members shall not have check writing authority, ACH, wire transfer, or any other authority over Dallas Makerspace funds, except as directed by the Board of Directors or expended for the operational costs of the Finance Group.
Treasurer & Financial Group
    1.      Treasurer serves as head of the Finance Group and selects the standing working members of the Financial Group.
    2.      Develop and publish internal procedures and policies, in conjunction with the accounting firm, for financial procedures in regards to matters of committees and the general membership.
    3.      Performs tasks assigned by the Board of Directors related to the Dallas Makerspaces financial responsibilities.
    4.     Works with the accounting firm to ensure that appropriate financial reports are made available to the Board of Directors on a timely basis.
    5.     Assists the Board in preparing the annual budget and presenting the budget to the Board for approval.
    6.     Works with the Finance Group and Board of Directors to develop Fiscal Policies for recommendation to the Board to ensure the financial integrity and sustainability of the organization.
    7.      Leads Finance Group in developing long - term financial strategies to present to the board of directors.
    8.      Establishes and performs such internal controls necessary, supplementing accounting firm, to ensure proper accounting characterization, detection of waste, mismanagement, or fraud.
    9.      Manages accounts established by Dallas Makerspace as directed by the Board of Directors.  
    10.  Works with Bookkeeper and take action to ensure Procurement Officers are timely in submitting receipts.Provide receipts for donors and together with Public Relations acknowledge contributions and donations.     
    11.  Tracks Dallas Makerspace financial filings and reports are timely and complete.Maintain a calendar of filing requirements and review monthly for: Sales Tax, 990, 990 - T, 1099 - Misc, or other filings.
    12.  Creates a calendar of critical payments and verifies payment for such things as Rent, Utilities, Insurance, and other critical items as identified by the Finance Group.
    13.  Investigates and assists in investigations where inappropriate expenditures may have occurred.Coordinates with Board of Directors, accounting firm, attorney, or other professionals as required.
    14.  Obtain permits and licenses as appropriate and required for financial matters.
    15.  Recruit and develop the next Treasurer and Finance Group members.

 - Motion: Approve as written.
   - Proposed by Kris
   - Seconded by Steve
 -Call for vote
   -  In favor Unanimous
   -  Opposed
   -  Abstain
   -  Motion Pass

Appoint Ken Purcell as Treasurer (David Kessinger)
 - AS WRITTEN:  Nominate Ken Purcell as Treasurer.
 - Motion: Approve as written.
   - Proposed by Kris
   - Seconded by Steve
 -Call for vote
   -  In favor Unanimous
   -  Opposed
   -  Abstain
   -  Motion Pass

Appoint Mary Mulherin as Secretary (Kris Anderson)
 - AS WRITTEN: Nominate Mary Mulherin as Secretary.
 - Motion: Approve as written.
   - Proposed by Steve
   - Seconded by David
 -Call for vote
   -  In favor Unanimous
   -  Opposed
   -  Abstain
   -  Motion Pass

Change Next Chair Elections to May of 2019 (Steve Blanchard)
 - AS WRITTEN: Set the Chair elections to after the Board elections.
 - Motion: Change future chair elections to May and November from 2019 forward.
   - Proposed by David
   - Seconded by Steve
 -Call for vote
   -  In favor Unanimous
   -  Opposed
   -  Abstain
   -  Motion Pass

Change The Posting of Elections to 13 Days and 12 Hours (Steve Blanchard)
 - AS WRITTEN: By cutting the window down by 12 hours, a committee can meet at a normal time, set the election for 2 weeks and still be in compliance to have an election posted on the calendar.
 - Motion: Change the posting of Committee Elections to 13 days and 12 hours.
   - Proposed by Steve
   - Seconded by Kris
 -Call for vote
   -  In favor Steve, Kris, S Charles
   -  Opposed Luke, David
   -  Abstain
   -  Motion Pass

Disallow Tips in Class Descriptions (Steve Blanchard)
 - AS WRITTEN: Eliminate any requests for additional food, drink, or cash from class descriptions. Any classes with those descriptions would need to be edited to eliminate that type wording. Instructors are not allowed to ask for cash tips during a class. 
 - Motion: Instructors shall not request or suggest any personal gratuities.
   - Proposed by David
   - Seconded by Steve
 -Call for vote
   -  In favor Unanimous
   -  Opposed
   -  Abstain
   -  Motion Pass


Next meeting set for 20181015

10:20PM Meeting called to close