Board of Directors Meeting 20180427
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- 1 Time, location
- 2 YouTube Live Link
- 3 Prior minutes
- 4 Financial Statement
- 5 Member Recognition and Complaints
- 6 Consent Agenda
- 6.1 Start Process of Reopening Hatcher's Armoury (Nick Sainz)
- 6.2 Replace Parks Pantry (Nick Sainz)
- 6.3 Allocate an additional $183.75 to the General Fund for overages during the Election (Luke Strickland)
- 6.4 Sell the Trebuchet (Luke Strickland)
- 6.5 Dissolution of Finance Committee Replaced By Finance Group Headed By Treasurer (David Kessinger)
- 6.6 Temporary Additional Offsite Storage for Newly Donated Equipment (David Kessinger)
- 6.7 Civic Hacking does not need to be a Committee (Stephen Wylie)
- 6.8 Information missing on Honorarium/Reimbursement checks (Paul Wilson)
- 7 New Business
- 7.1 Appoint President (Erik Smith)
- 7.2 Appoint Secretary (Erik Smith)
- 7.3 Appoint Treasurer (Erik Smith)
- 7.4 Appoint Procurement Officers (Erik Smith)
- 7.5 Dissolve Competitive Robotics Committee (Frank Lima)
- 7.6 Appoint Committee Chairs (Luke Strickland)
- 7.7 Rule change to help DMS Members access tools (Frank Lima)
- 7.8 Replace the Ramp Garage Door (Stan Simmons)
- 8 Emergency Items
- 9 Set Next BoD Meeting
- 10 Minutes
- 11 Action Items
Time, location
20180427 20:00 Dallas Makerspace
YouTube Live Link
Prior minutes
Financial Statement
Member Recognition and Complaints
Member recognition (above and beyond) and member complaints will be considered before other business. This will allow members that are interested or involved with either to leave without having to sit thru the entire meeting.
Consent Agenda
Newly proposed agenda items appear in the consent agenda. Any member present at the meeting may pull an item out of the consent agenda for discussion, at which point it goes under "New Business". If nobody objects to the solutions presented by the consent agenda, everything in the consent agenda passes by consensus. Items that have more than one proposed solution should be moved to the "New Business" section.
Any member may edit this wiki page and place an item on the agenda. However, discussion of agenda items should be done via the forums. The cut-off time for addition to or revision of the consent agenda items is 48 hours prior to the meeting. Please note, agenda items (Consent, New, or Old) that request spending $250 or more must include a section on "Relevance to our tax exempt purpose".
Start Process of Reopening Hatcher's Armoury (Nick Sainz)
Problem: The Fire Marshal requires a Review of Fire Code for the Hatcher’s Committee Area before he will allow the area to be reopened and allowed to continue. Nick Sainz has reached out to REED Fire Protection and had the required service quoted at $6,930.00. ( Link to Talk Discussion:
Solution: Have the BOD approve and fund the Review of Fire Code and Accept the Proposal on behalf of DMS.
Relevance: Funds and starts the process for reopening the Hatcher’s Committee Area, Committee Activities, and Allows the committee to teach and support the DMS as a whole.
Replace Parks Pantry (Nick Sainz)
Problem: Consider the option to move from Park Pantry to VendPro for our snack vending. VendPro is offering a near identical product to Parks Pantry, but at a discounted price point that we can lock in each year rather than having the floating price point that we have with Parks Pantry. ( Here is a link to Talk Discussion:
Solution: Have the BOD consider and accept the proposal by VendPro and change snack suppliers for the space.
Relevance: Working with VendPro allows us to offer a near identical service as Park Pantry, but at a lower price point for our membership. As we do not make revenue off of the Snack Sales the only effect to DMS is that the Members will have less expensive snacks to purchase while on site.
Allocate an additional $183.75 to the General Fund for overages during the Election (Luke Strickland)
Problem: The service used for sending the voting notification letters was more than expected. The total ended up being $1183.75
Solution: Fix the accounting gap by allocating an additional $183.75 to the general fund.
Sell the Trebuchet (Luke Strickland)
Problem: We have a unused trebuchet taking up 1/2 of a storage unit, the costs for this are $139/mo. Due to the recent Fired Arts donation, we are now out of Committee Space and Offsiting space.
Solution: Sell / auction off the trebuchet.
Dissolution of Finance Committee Replaced By Finance Group Headed By Treasurer (David Kessinger)
Problem: Finance does not operate as other committees. The Treasurer is appointed by the Board. Having a Chair serves no useful purpose and can impede. smooth operation. Treasurer can appoint subordinate positions and tasks as necessary.
- Motion "Disband Finance Committee and replace with Finance Group. The Treasurer appointed by the Board of Directors shall be the leader of group."
- Motion: "Treasurer shall submit as a minimum a Treasurer's report 48 hours prior to regularly scheduled monthly board of directors meetings. Report to be attached to the minutes. Treasurer shall attend BoD meetings in person or telephonically, to answer questions."
Relevance: Administrative and Operational functioning of DMS. Note: Additional duties, authority, and responsibilities of Treasurer and Finance Group to be defined by the Board.
Temporary Additional Offsite Storage for Newly Donated Equipment (David Kessinger)
Problem: DMS has received some offers of donated equipment and has only been able to accept a few of them due to lack of physical space to place at our current facilities. In anticipation of renting Suite 102 we need temporary storage until such time as we move,
Solution: Appropriate funding for one additional indoor storage unit at the current location for a period not to exceed 6 months, only for storage of newly donated or purchased equipment. If at the end of that time, committee(s) will have to assume storage costs or disposal,
Motion: "Allocate up $150 month from general fund for additional storage unit at current indoor storage facility for a period not to exceed 6 months. Storage is only to be for storage of newly acquired or donated equipment that needs to be stored offsite pending moving to a new location. At the end this period any items left in the storage unit must be moved elsewhere or responsibility for payment becomes the responsibilities of committee(s0 utilizing the space."a
Relevance: This preserves opportunities for equipment during this period of transition and uncertainty.
Civic Hacking does not need to be a Committee (Stephen Wylie)
Problem: Civic Hacking has been run for the last four years without requiring a budget nor physical space, and has not been meeting frequently, so maintaining a committee for this purpose seems to be wasted overhead.
Solution: To drive up interest (which definitely worked as of 4/24) and free up resources, Civic Hacking proposes to become a SIG under VCC. Both committees have approved the change in their respective meetings.
Motion: "Change Civic Hacking from an independent Committee into a SIG under VCC, and move any funds from Civic Hacking (though there should be $0) into VCC."
Relevance: This change of administration will reduce burden on DMS admins over time.
Information missing on Honorarium/Reimbursement checks (Paul Wilson)
Problem: The checks now being issued for Honorariums and reimbursements do not contain any kind of information pertaining to what specific transactions they are issued for. Multiple Honorariums and/or reimbursements appear to be combined together on to one check with the relevant information field only listing "Bill", making it impossible to keep track of what items have been paid for and which have not.
Solution: Direct the bookkeeper to include an itemized list what classes, events, or reimbursement request payments are included on checks, as has been provided in the past.
Motion: "Payments for classes, events, or reimbursement requests shall include an itemized list of what the payments are for, to be included on the check stub/reciept."
Relevance: This accounting change will allow persons/companies to keep proper track of payments received from the DMS.
New Business
Appoint President (Erik Smith)
Problem: The bylaws require the appointment of a President (Bylaws Section 3.1.1). Officer Terms automatically expire after each annual meeting (Bylaws Section 3.3), thus a new appointment is required. The President has historically run Board meetings and acts as the public face of DMS.
Solution: Nominate and approve a qualified member to the office of President
Relevance: Required by our bylaws
Appoint Secretary (Erik Smith)
Problem: The bylaws require the appointment of a Secretary (Bylaws Section 3.1.2). Officer Terms automatically expire after each annual meeting (Bylaws Section 3.3), thus a new appointment is required. The Secretary is the custodian of records and interfaces with the Secretary of State.
Solution: Nominate and approve a qualified member to the office of Secretary
Relevance: Required by our bylaws
Appoint Treasurer (Erik Smith)
Problem: The bylaws require the appointment of the Officers not defined in the bylaws (Bylaws Section 3.1.3). Officer Terms automatically expire after each annual meeting (Bylaws Section 3.3), thus a new appointment is necessary. The Treasurer has historically managed DMS accounting.
Solution: Nominate and approve a qualified member to the office of Treasurer
Relevance: While a Treasurer is not mandated by our bylaws, a qualified Treasurer is crucial to good governance and operation of the organization
Appoint Procurement Officers (Erik Smith)
Problem: Per policy on the Procurement Officers page, Procurement Officer terms end when the next Board is appointed, thus procurement officers need to be re-appointed.
Solution: Re-appoint the following individuals as Procurement Officers - changing as necessary to reflect changes since the last time the page was updated:
- Robert Davidson
- Nicole Franczvai
- Alex Rhodes
- Chuck Graf
- Luke Olson
- Brian Davis
- Andrew Zalaket
- David Kessinger
- Art Givens
- Kobin Caddick
- Mitch Cerroni
- Stan Simmons
- Luke Strickland
- Chris Cooper
- John Gorman
- Steve Blanchard
Relevance: Procurement Officers play an important role in the smooth functioning of the organization
Dissolve Competitive Robotics Committee (Frank Lima)
Problem: The Competitive Robotics Committee has been relatively inactive for the year.
Solution: The Committee should be dissolved and Committee funds transferred to general fund.
Relevance: Clean up inactive committee
Appoint Committee Chairs (Luke Strickland)
Problem: Committee Chairs must be appointed every 6 months per our rules
Solution: Appoint the following individuals:
- 3D Fab: Mitch Cerroni elected
- Automotive: Tom Tansey re-elected 4/2/18
- Blacksmithing: Ethan Western
- Civic Hacking: See agenda item: Civic Hacking does not need to be a Committee
- Classroom: john a gorman re-elected 4/9/18
- Creative Arts: Roger Valles elected 4/3/18
- Digital Media: Daniel Hawn
- Electronics: Art Givens re-elected 4/4/18
- Finance: See agenda item: [of Finance Committee Replaced By Finance Group Headed By Treasurer (David Kessinger)]
- Fired Arts: Chris Cooper re-elected 4/24/18
- Hatchers: Nick Sainz elected 4/10/18
- Infrastructure: Stan Simmons re-elected 4/20/18
- Jewelry/Small Metals: Joseph Lahoud re-elected 3/30/18
- Laser: Stephenie Webb re-elected 4/8/18
- Logistics: Luke Strickland re-elected 4/25/2018
- Machine Shop: Chris Wischkowsky elected
- Metal Shop: Chuck Graf re-elected 4/8/18
- MotorSports: Chuck Graf re-elected 3/22/18
- Public Relations: Steve Blanchard elected 4/5/18
- Science: Josh Melnick elected 4/15/18
- Software Development: TBD
- VECTOR: Shawn Christian elected 4/4/18
- Vintage Computer: Dwight Spencer re-elected 4/11/18
- Woodshop: Andrew Zalaket re-elected 4/26/18
Rule change to help DMS Members access tools (Frank Lima)
Problem: As the DMS has grown and acquired more tools; bearers to tool acces have been added. The training requirement many committees have placed on tools, though well intentioned, have resulted in many tools becoming difficult if not impossible for new members to use. This is in part due to the inconsistency of the training classes offered. The issue is magnified as many tools that have been placed under a training requirement only require minimal training that can be done independently without supervision. In order to solve these issue I propose the following rule change:
Solution: Add the following rule to the Committees section
"11. Equipment which requires training before use must have at least one class with a minimum of six student spots available (not necessarily filled) per month or a completely independent training class available to all members (ie. Moodle). If this requirement is not met, then the committee must either remove the training requirement for a minimum of 90 days on the tool or the Committee is barred from spending any committee funds until a training class meeting aforementioned requirements is offered. If all training spots are unfilled after the class has been available for members to sign up for a minimum of 72 hours the class may be cancelled 24 hours before the class starts, meeting the training requirement for that month. Specific tools may be excepted from these requirements by unanimous consent of the Board of Directors, all exemptions expire 6 months after being granted."
Relevance: The Dallas Makerspace educates by helping Members make wonderful things. Member are unable to create wonderful things when onerous barriers to access necessary tools are erected.
Replace the Ramp Garage Door (Stan Simmons)
Problem: The existing garage door has failed several times in the last year and needs to be replaced.
Solution: Overhead door has given us a quote for replacing the garage door with a new door, connecting it to the existing opener. The un-insulated version is $2445. The insulated version is $3660. A quote is in the Infrastructure Committee drive: \\files\committees\infrastructure\Overhead Door Quote.pdf
Allocate $2500 to purchase and install a replacement ramp garage door. Authorize the bookkeeper to generate and pay a purchase order for up to $2500 for the new door.
Relevance: A reliably working ramp door is needed to continue our mission.
Emergency Items
Items requiring immediate action by the BoD for safety.
Set Next BoD Meeting
==Minutes== Meeting called to order 7:04 PM Minutes accepted from last meeting ==== ***CONSENT AGENDA - DISCUSSION*** 6.1 Pulled: Start Process of Reopening Hatcher's Armoury (Nick Sainz) 6.2 Pulled: Replace Parks Pantry (Nick Sainz) 6.3 Allocate an additional $183.75 to the General Fund for overages during the Election (Luke Strickland) 6.4 Sell the Trebuchet (Luke Strickland) 6.5 Pulled: Dissolution of Finance Committee Replaced By Finance Group Headed By Treasurer (David Kessinger) 6.6 Temporary Additional Offsite Storage for Newly Donated Equipment (David Kessinger) 6.7 Civic Hacking does not need to be a Committee (Stephen Wylie) 6.8 Information missing on Honorarium/Reimbursement checks (Paul Wilson) - Motion: Pass all non-pulled items as written. (6.3,6.4,6.6,6.7,6.8) - Proposed by David Kessinger - Seconded by Luke Strickland -Call for vote - In favor - Unanimous - Opposed - Abstain - Motion Pass/Fail - Pass 6.1 Start Process of Reopening Hatcher's Armoury (Nick Sainz) - AS WRITTEN: Have the BOD approve and fund the Review of Fire Code and Accept the Proposal on behalf of DMS. - DISCUSSION: - Nick Sainz: Fire Marshal will not allow Hatcher's to reopen until we have the situation assessed by a fire protection service, who are experts in firearms codes. There is no guarantee that Hatcher's will reopen due to this. - Chuck Graf: Normally we would not need this kind of inspection when we expand, but we could do that at the same time. - Luke Strickland: I'm scared of a lot of spending choices right this second. I'd like to see what happens once we have the expanded space. - Kris Anderson: Hatcher's might think about ways for Hatcher's to raise this amount. - Nick Sainz: It's hard to try to raise money when we look like a dead committee from the outside. - Chuck Baber: If we approve spending it should include funds necessary to make any modifications to accommodate Hatchers' expansion and any fixes needed. - Nick Sainz: The fire marshal will not allow us to teach any firearms classes, even safety courses. - David Kessigner: We should wait until the expansion in case we need a fire safety engineer related to the expansion as well. - Chuck Graf: These engineers are pretty rare and specialized, and we aren't likely to need one in the expansion. - Steve Blanchard: Do we have assurances that Hatcher's will not independently contact the fire marshal? - Nick Sainz: I don't intend to contact him unless it's official business. - Motion: Reallocate $7000 previously allocated to Logistics in October to Hatcher's for a review by a fire engineer. Approve Nick Sainz as an official point of contact for this purpose. - Proposed by Luke Strickland - Seconded by Chuck Baber -Call for vote - In favor - Unanimous - Opposed - Abstain - Motion Pass/Fail : Pass 6.2 Replace Parks Pantry (Nick Sainz) - AS WRITTEN: Have the BOD consider and accept the proposal by VendPro and change snack suppliers for the space. - DISCUSSION: - David Kessinger: Right now with Parks we have no obligations. VendPro is cheaper, but the general membership would be paying for shrinkage and we have to commit to 3 years. We should also wait until we know how we're potentially changing the kitchen. - Luke Strickland: This contract says VendPro can pull out if we aren't profitable. - Nick Sainz: According to Parks, we have a very low shrinkage rate and are very profitable to them. - Motion: Table until after expansion. - Proposed by Kris Anderson - Seconded by Steve Blanchard -Call for vote - In favor - Unanimous - Opposed - Abstain - Motion Pass/Fail 6.5 Dissolution of Finance Committee Replaced By Finance Group Headed By Treasurer - Motion 1 (David Kessinger) - AS WRITTEN: Disband Finance Committee and replace with Finance Group. The Treasurer appointed by the Board of Directors shall be the leader of group. - DISCUSSION: - Motion: - Proposed by Luke Strickland - Seconded by David Kessinger -Call for vote - In favor Unanimous - Opposed - Abstain - Motion Pass/Fail 6.5.1 Dissolution of Finance Committee Replaced By Finance Group Headed By Treasurer - Motion 2 (David Kessinger) - AS WRITTEN: Treasurer shall submit as a minimum a Treasurer's report 48 hours prior to regularly scheduled monthly board of directors meetings. Report to be attached to the minutes. Treasurer shall attend BoD meetings in person or telephonically, to answer questions. - DISCUSSION: - Motion withdrawn by David Kessinger **NEW BUSINESS** 7.1 Appoint President (Erik Smith) 7.2 Appoint Secretary (Erik Smith) 7.3 Appoint Treasurer (Erik Smith) 7.4 Appoint Procurement Officers (Erik Smith) 7.5 Dissolve Competitive Robotics Committee (Frank Lima) 7.6 Appoint Committee Chairs (Luke Strickland) 7.7 Rule change to help DMS Members access tools (Frank Lima) 7.8 Replace the Ramp Garage Door (Stan Simmons) 7.0 Accept Ken Purcell's resignation as Treasurer - AS WRITTEN: - DISCUSSION: - Speaker1: - Speaker2: - Motion: - Proposed by - Seconded by -Call for vote - In favor: Unianimous - Opposed - Abstain - Motion Pass/Fail - pass 7.1 Appoint President (Erik Smith) - AS WRITTEN: Nominate and approve a qualified member to the office of President - Motion: Appoint Kris Anderson to the office of President - Proposed by Steve Blanchard - Seconded by Luke Strickland -Call for vote - In favor Unanimous - Opposed - Abstain - Motion Pass/Fail : Pass 7.2 Appoint Secretary (Erik Smith) - AS WRITTEN: Nominate and approve a qualified member to the office of Secretary. - DISCUSSION: - Motion: Appoint Luke Strickland to the office of Secretary - Proposed by Kris Anderson - Seconded by Chuck Baber -Call for vote - In favor Unanimous - Opposed - Abstain - Motion Pass/Fail: Pass 7.3 Appoint Treasurer (Erik Smith) - AS WRITTEN: Nominate and approve a qualified member to the office of Treasurer. - DISCUSSION: - Motion: Table until the office is further defined - Proposed by Kris Anderson - Seconded by Luke Strickland -Call for vote - In favor Unanimous - Opposed - Abstain - Motion Pass/Fail: Pass 7.4 Appoint Procurement Officers (Erik Smith) - AS WRITTEN: Re-appoint the following individuals as Procurement Officers - changing as necessary to reflect changes since the last time the page was updated: Robert Davidson Nicole Franczvai Alex Rhodes Chuck Graf Luke Olson Brian Davis Andrew Zalaket David Kessinger Art Givens Kobin Caddick Mitch Cerroni Stan Simmons Luke Strickland Chris Cooper John Gorman Steve Blanchard - DISCUSSION: - Speaker1: - Speaker2: - Motion: Appoint the following individuals as Procurement Officers: Robert Davidson Nicole Franczvai Chuck Graf Andrew Zalaket David Kessinger Art Givens Kobin Caddick Stan Simmons Luke Strickland Chris Cooper John Gorman Steve Blanchard - Proposed by David Kessinger - Seconded by Luke Strickland -Call for vote - In favor - Unanimous - Opposed - Abstain - Motion Pass/Fail - Pass 7.5 Dissolve Competitive Robotics Committee (Frank Lima) - AS WRITTEN: The Committee should be dissolved and Committee funds transferred to general fund. - DISCUSSION: - Kris Anderson: We need to return money donated to the committee for specific uses. - Art Givens: If we make this group a SIG under electronics, the donations can be allocated to Elec - Kris Anderson: We already dissolved this committee. - Failed for lack of a motion 7.6 Appoint Committee Chairs (Luke Strickland) - AS WRITTEN: Appoint the following individuals as committee chairs: 3D Fab: Mitch Cerroni elected Automotive: Tom Tansey re-elected 4/2/18 Blacksmithing: TBD Civic Hacking: See agenda item: Civic Hacking does not need to be a Committee Classroom: john a gorman re-elected 4/9/18 Creative Arts: Roger Valles elected 4/3/18 Digital Media: Daniel Hawn Electronics: Art Givens re-elected 4/4/18 Finance: See agenda item: [of Finance Committee Replaced By Finance Group Headed By Treasurer (David Kessinger)] Fired Arts: Chris Cooper re-elected 4/24/18 Hatchers: Nick Sainz elected 4/10/18 Infrastructure: Stan Simmons re-elected 4/20/18 Jewelry/Small Metals: Joseph Lahoud re-elected 3/30/18 Laser: Stephenie Webb re-elected 4/8/18 Logistics: Luke Strickland re-elected 4/25/2018 Machine Shop: Chris Wischkowsky elected Metal Shop: Chuck Graf re-elected 4/8/18 MotorSports: Chuck Graf re-elected 3/22/18 Public Relations: Steve Blanchard elected 4/5/18 Science: John Melnick elected 4/15/18 Software Development: TBD VECTOR: Shawn Christian elected 4/4/18 Vintage Computer: Dwight Spencer re-elected 4/11/18 Woodshop: Andrew Zalaket re-elected 4/26/18 - DISCUSSION: - Motion: Appoint the following individuals as committee chairs: 3D Fab: Mitch Cerroni elected Automotive: Tom Tansey re-elected 4/2/18 Blacksmithing: Ethan Weston Classroom: john a gorman re-elected 4/9/18 Creative Arts: Roger Valles elected 4/3/18 Digital Media: Daniel Hawn Electronics: Art Givens re-elected 4/4/18 Fired Arts: Chris Cooper re-elected 4/24/18 Hatchers: Nick Sainz elected 4/10/18 Infrastructure: Stan Simmons re-elected 4/20/18 Jewelry/Small Metals: Joseph Lahoud re-elected 3/30/18 Laser: Stephenie Webb re-elected 4/8/18 Logistics: Luke Strickland re-elected 4/25/2018 Machine Shop: Chris Wischkowsky elected Metal Shop: Chuck Graf re-elected 4/8/18 MotorSports: Chuck Graf re-elected 3/22/18 Public Relations: Steve Blanchard elected 4/5/18 Science: Josh Melnick elected 4/15/18 VECTOR: Shawn Christian elected 4/4/18 Vintage Computer: Dwight Spencer re-elected 4/11/18 Woodshop: Andrew Zalaket re-elected 4/26/18 - Proposed by Steve Blanchard - Seconded by Chuck Baber -Call for vote - In favor - Unanimous - Opposed - Abstain - Motion Pass/Fail - Pass 7.7 Rule change to help DMS Members access tools (Frank Lima) - AS WRITTEN: Add the following rule to the Committees section - "11. Equipment which requires training before use must have at least one class with a minimum of six student spots available (not necessarily filled) per month or a completely independent training class available to all members (ie. Moodle). If this requirement is not met, then the committee must either remove the training requirement for a minimum of 90 days on the tool or the Committee is barred from spending any committee funds until a training class meeting aforementioned requirements is offered. If all training spots are unfilled after the class has been available for members to sign up for a minimum of 72 hours the class may be cancelled 24 hours before the class starts, meeting the training requirement for that month. Specific tools may be excepted from these requirements by unanimous consent of the Board of Directors, all exemptions expire 6 months after being granted." - Item Fails from lack of motion 7.8 Replace the Ramp Garage Door (Stan Simmons) - AS WRITTEN: Allocate $2500 to purchase and install a replacement ramp garage door. Authorize the bookkeeper to generate and pay a purchase order for up to $2500 for the new door. - DISCUSSION: - Stan Simmons: We have two quotes for replacing the door. I like the uninsulated door, but other members have said we should have the insulated door. - Chuck Graf: The back wall is not insulated. - Luke Strickland: How many failures have been due to the motor? (Stan: None. They have all been mechanical failures.) - Stan Simmons: We have already spent this much repairing the door we have. We have not replaced most of the parts in previous repairs. - Motion: Approve the purchase of an insulated garage door without windows, cost not to exceed $3800. - Proposed by David Kessinger - Seconded by Kris Anderson -Call for vote - In favor - Steve Blanchard, David Kessinger, Kris Anderson, Chuck Baber - Opposed - Luke Strickland - Abstain - Motion Pass/Fail - Pass ==== Next meeting set for Monday, May 21, 7:00 PM (Third mondays of the month will be the new standard for monthly board meetings.) 8:33 PM Meeting called to close
Action Items
Status | Item Description | Responsible Party |
[x] | Allocate $183.75 to the General Fund for Membership Voting Mail | Bookkeeper |
[x] | Reallocate $7000 previously allocated to Logistics in October to Hatcher's | Bookkeeper |
[x] | Allocate $3,800 to Infrastructure to replace the ramp garage door | Bookkeeper |