Automotive Committee Meeting 20191030
Time, location
2019-10-30 12:00 Dallas Makerspace
Jim Hartnett
Chuck Graff
Allen Wan
jason Ottwell
Thomas Stilwell
Don Parker
Jack Willamson
Formal Votes
- Jim Hartnett voted for Chair, with option for confidence vote in one month (due to odd meeting time) - Unanimous
- Allocate up to $1500 for repair of the lift hydraulic bushings by a professional service tech - Unanimous
Items Discussed
- There is no official Automotive 101 curriculum, despite being required. Those attempting to teach it previously met with resistance by certain individuals. We all agreed to make a new curriculum in a G Suite Team Drive for both collaboration and ensuring everyone always has the latest copy.
- Before putting an RFID on the lift, we are going to implement a process to smoothly handle the potential volume of users that are not properly categorized in Active Directory, yet have the lift training.
- Agreed to move the sockets back to a raw bin system. Jim Hartnett volunteered to donate bins and begin process.
- Discussed various signage changes and improvements
- Discussed expansion briefly; documentation on what was provided to expansion committee prior to discussion was unknown. Further discussion will take place once those on the committee can determine what has been done, what needs to be done, etc.
Meeting adjourned