3D Fabrication Meeting 20190601
Secretary's notes: This page was magicked into existence many months after the meeting occurred, thus does not meet the standard that Committee meeting minutes must be posted in a timely fashion (Rule 6), as such I as Secretary am invalidating these minutes. If the committee is inclined to revive any of these agenda items they should do so at a future meeting and ensure that minutes are posted promptly after its conclusion.
- Vote to resend purchase of Mosaic Multi Filament Printer by unanimous vote.
- Extruder to be sold to Musashi for $50 paid thru Honorariums
- New computer are still being researched for under 1000 per set up.
- Mushasi will try and get a hands on demop for a new scanner at next meeting, something under 10K and the ability to scan large and small objects.
- Everyone look for a new small shop vac setup for 3d Fab
- Max will get a report from the board on the finances of 3d fab
- Next meeting to be held on 6/15/19
1. Josh W
2. Ty Thompson
3. Adrian Sulusrti
4. Mushashi Sampson, Vice Chair
5. Max Kirkland, Chairperson
6. Luke Andraski, Vice Chair
7. John Kerr
8. Josh Melnick
9, Charles Procter